Chapter 1323 The space is connected
Luo Anan's arrow was fast and ruthless, and it penetrated the jellyfish's body in one go!
Just such a blow caused the jellyfish to suffer a lot of injuries.Therefore, the jellyfish frantically stretched out its huge tentacles and roared towards Luo An'an, intending to bury the damned man in front of it in its belly!

Luo An'an was even more unwilling to dodge, and took out his spirit sword to meet him.

With a sound of "bang", the collision between the body of the jellyfish and the spirit sword sparked.Seeing this, Luo Anan couldn't help but frowned. He didn't expect the body of this jellyfish to be so hard. Shouldn't jellyfish be all molluscs?
Luo Anan avoided the attack of the jellyfish, and then took out the cloud crystal hairpin to transform into a spirit sword, and then slashed!

"Go to hell!" Said a certain fiercely.

As a result, the jellyfish only had a not-so-deep scar on its body.It seems that once this jellyfish is vigilant, its defense power will become extremely high. Even if she shoots another arrow now, it will not cause any serious damage to it.

The manic jellyfish over there saw that Luo An'an was so flexible that they couldn't hit him no matter what, they set off waves of water angrily, turning into thousands of water droplets and attacking Luo An'an.Luo An'an knew that there were too many drops of water and they would not be able to avoid them, so he propped up the jade umbrella to protect himself tightly.At the same time, he did not forget to use the fire spell "flames and embers".

The flame rose more than ten meters with a bang, and rushed towards the jellyfish monster in an airtight manner.The monster was obviously afraid of fire, and hid directly in the water without daring to confront it head-on.

The two just fought for an hour with the strategy of you hitting me to hide, you retreating from my sneak attack.An Baobao wiped the sweat from his forehead after taking the elixir to replenish spiritual power, and stared at the state of the jellyfish motionlessly.Strange, she was tired after fighting for so long, why is the attack of this jellyfish still as powerful as it was at the beginning?
Could it be that the spiritual power of monsters is so profound?
In an instant, Luo Anan patted his head suddenly, with annoyed expression on his face: "I'm so stupid, this jellyfish is hiding in the water, and naturally there is a steady stream of water elements to replenish it. How can I be tired!"

Hmph, fighting with it for so long was in vain.

Luo Anan, who wanted to understand, rolled his eyes, looked at the big jellyfish lurking in the water and smiled evilly.

Hehehe, since you are so good in the water, I want to see what you will do without the water!
Luo Anan flew into the middle of the moat, and a hundred ice-cracking talismans appeared in his hand instantly.

With a "swipe", a hundred spells fell into the water in unison, releasing a lot of cold air instantly.Luo Anan took this opportunity to cooperate with her own ice spells, mobilizing all the spiritual energy in her dantian in an instant: "Frozen thousands of miles! Freeze me!"

The world seemed to stand still at this moment.Hearing the sound of clicking, the water surface of the moat gradually turned white, and then a pale white mist emerged.After the fog cleared, the entire moat became a world of ice sculptures and jade.The transparent glacier emits a faint light under the reflection of the moonlight, and the gate of the city seems to be brighter because of this.

"Crack, click, clatter!"

This freezing technique emptied half of Luo An'an's spiritual power, and it also affected the jellyfish itself.Because the jellyfish itself is almost made of water, its body is also covered with a thick layer of ice, which creaks and creaks with the jellyfish's stiff movements.

Taking advantage of the fact that the ice on the jellyfish hadn't completely melted, An Baobao took out the cloud crystal hairpin with a smirk, and chopped off the three tentacles of the jellyfish with a swipe.

Wow Kaka, it's effortless!Hahaha!

The laughter of a certain one became even more eerie on a cold moonlit night, only the screams of jellyfish were heard, and there seemed to be dozens of large tentacles on the shore.

A certain one was biting its tongue eager to try, and with the final blow, it cut the jellyfish's body in half, and pulled out the jellyfish's demon pill!
Now the jellyfish is completely dead.

"Master, can you hear me?"

 It’s the last day of this month, please recommend tickets and monthly tickets, my dears~ It’s a waste if you don’t vote~
(End of this chapter)

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