Chapter 134 Lomi Dumplings with Peach Blossom Stuffing
Mo Jiuxiao has always been eye-catching, so the big Luo (glutinous) rice dumpling in his arms has also attracted attention.

Ren Ya looked at Mo Jiuxiao, and was caught off guard by those clear and lively eyes.

The owner of the eyes blinked his eyelashes, brushing his heart lightly like a brush, and Ren Ya instantly felt that peach blossoms were blooming everywhere.

Luo Anan also saw Ren Ya, pouted unhappily, and buried her face in Mo Jiuxiao's neck.

Ren Ya just walked up to Mo Jiuxiao uncontrollably and affectionately.

As soon as Mo Jiuxiao turned his head and saw this horrifying scene, goosebumps popped up in an instant. He was convinced that he would definitely have nightmares at night.

Then he discovered that Ren Ya was looking at his family's Luomi Duanzi affectionately.

Mo Jiuxiao almost poached Ren Ya's eyes!I'm standing here and you still dare to come over!Don't want to live yet? (Lingguang Continent Vinegar King Mo Jiuxiao is online)

Luo An'an didn't understand, so, didn't Ren Ya always hated Jiuqing, why did he take the initiative to join him this time?

"Is there something wrong?" Luo Anan asked suspiciously when everyone was in front of him, not knowing that his appearance had become a killer.

The sound is so nice!Ren Ya was thinking with rippling hearts.Realized belatedly, she had spoken to him!

"" Ren Ya stuttered, not knowing what to say.

"Ren Ya, are you looking for trouble again?" Mo Jiuxiao asked coldly.Say quickly that you are here looking for trouble, and I will let you go.

Facing Luo An'an's curious eyes, Ren Ya hastily explained: "I'm not here to look for you!"

Then he stammered and said to Luo An'an: "You... well... my name is... Ren Ya... can I... know... know... your... name...?"

That proud young man has now turned into a bewildered and innocent boy.

very good!Mo Jiuxiao thought coldly in his heart.Today next year I will add soil to your grave!
Forgive Luo Anan, the life of a small house girl in her previous life prevented her from being pursued by anyone, so she didn't know that Jiuqing's enemy (that is, her enemy) was accosting her!
This pursuit is too unbelievable and too inconspicuous, so I'm sorry that the fox can't see it!
Afterwards, a large group of onlookers looked at Ren Ya enviously and regretted not striking up a conversation in time.It would be nice to add a contact jade card!
"Sorry, I don't want to tell you." Luo Anan refused the enemy's request without hesitation.

"Ah!" The innocent boy instantly turned into a little cabbage.

And Luo Anan stabbed Xiaobaicai indifferently: "Jiuqing, the baby is hungry, let's eat."

Ren Ya looked up instantly, why, Mo Jiuxiao can have breakfast with others, but he can't even come with a name!Ren Ya's dislike for Mo Jiuxiao reached its peak at this time.

Mo Jiuxiao seemed to have realized something, and took a few breakfasts with Luo Anan in his arms and started to eat.

Afterwards, Luo Anan was watched and fed by a group of people. Up to now, no one thought: Who is this girl?Why would the cold and inaccessible Mo Jiuxiao hug her?And where did the fox that Mo Jiuxiao usually hugged go?

Everyone is so cute by An Baobao's mouth full of food and eating like a squirrel, okay?
Although Mo Jiuxiao knew that little things were good, it was only at this moment that he realized that Luoluo from his hometown was a lomi dumpling filled with peach blossoms.

This person is cute, he can almost catch up with the master!Mo Jiuxiao felt sour in his heart.

When Luo Anan was full, he asked Mo Dashovel to send her back.

But Mo Jiuxiao hugged Luo An'an and did not move.

An Baobao was wondering when he saw his Jiuqing drop a plate on the ground lightly, and the sound of shattering attracted the attention of everyone in the quiet dining room.

Then I saw Mo Jiuxiao slapped Luo An'an's little face fiercely, and the sound spread throughout the dining hall.

Luo An'an was shy for an instant.

Under the glaring gaze of the crowd, Mo Jiuxiao's lips curled up slightly, and then he was at ease... Kissed Luo An'an again.

Everyone was furious, it was too much!Ren Ya wanted to eat Mo Jiuxiao even more!

But Uncle Mo ignored the crowd and swaggered away with Luo An'an.

Sometimes, all it takes is one, no, two kisses to go from a popular lover to a public enemy. (Mo Jiuxiao's strength is verified.)
 The author was frightened by a local tyrant from the starting point yesterday, and even rewarded an author with 100 million book coins. . .Hey, the author also wants to give a reward~
(End of this chapter)

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