Chapter 1343 Rebel Fox
Soon the second wave of beasts swept across, Luo Anan followed Bai Lian to find out the day when they planned to sneak attack, and asked Lingyue to pass the news to his own shit-shoveling officer.

Therefore, Mo Jiuxiao lost contact with his own fox after receiving a plain notice from Lingyue.

But fortunately, it can also show that the fox is safe now, and this news...he can probably guess where the fox has gone.

What a careless little bastard, where is the danger?well!

Although Mo Jiuxiao really wanted to slap the fox in his ass, he immediately spread the news and reminded the major forces to be vigilant secretly.If you prepare properly, you might be able to plot against monsters at that time.

During this period, everyone can't care about the discord between each other. Maybe it will be the destruction of the entire human race!Mo Jiuxiao thinks he still has some sense of propriety. (Who injected the light poison?)

"Master Bai Lian, why are we going to attack the Tianmen sect?" Lan Fu patted the table pretending to be unconvinced and said, "It is said that the Tianmen sect is the biggest sect in the world of cultivating immortals, but those clans are lucky to give us the hard bones! "

Bai Lian smiled slightly, his blue eyes were clear but seductive.He lay lazily on the back of the Yunhe Monster Beast, and said with a smile: "You can't say that, although the attack mission this time is difficult, our Feiyu clan can only be regarded as the main force, and the other clans also need to help of."

"But the loss of the Feiyu clan must be the greatest!"

The Maotou boy stood up and stomped on the feathers under his feet resentfully, and Yun He wailed in pain.

"Take it easy!" Bai Lian scolded him, "This Yunhe's cultivation base is low, but he can't bear you all of a sudden."

Lan Fu scratched his head embarrassingly: "Yes, I remember."

Seeing this, Bai Lian said slowly: "In short, this matter has been settled, and then you can find a place to hide, and don't be hurt by those monks. Otherwise, I will take you out with good intentions, but I will not be able to explain to the king! "


After talking, Bai Lian lay on the blanket and fell asleep, but Luo Anan's heart sank.

The current situation is too serious.

The five Mahayana demon cultivators are Jinpeng from the Feather Clan, Blood Merman from the Shui Clan, Feathered Snake from the Snake Clan, Phantom Butterfly from the Zerg Clan, and Three-eyed Tiger from the Tiger Clan!
Because of their appearance, all the monsters in the world of cultivating immortals were divided and ruled by domains, and only then did the mighty tide of beasts arise.Each of these five Mahayana periods is easy to deal with the wind master!However, according to the information obtained by Luo An'an, it seems that the relationship between the Feiyu clan and the other clans is not very good.

The Feiyu tribe hates the snake tribe (snakes eat birds, and raptors also eat snakes), and they are also disliked by the Zerg tribe (snakes eat birds).But the Tiger Clan has always been proud, and never looks directly at all the Beast Clan.As for the aquarium, they have always been very quiet, after all, it is not easy to communicate, isn't it?
But only in the second wave of beasts, almost half of the monsters were in the foundation-building stage, and there were still many monsters in the fusion stage.Luo An'an was very worried, and didn't know if the monks could handle it.

It will only get better and better in the future!

"Lan Fu."

Bai Lian suddenly opened his eyes, and called Luo Anan unexpectedly: "What are you thinking?"

Luo An was stupid, and looked at Bai Lian innocently and puzzled: "My lord, what's the matter?"

Bai Lian scanned Luo An'an up and down, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he said: "It's okay, I just fell asleep and fell asleep."

Why did he see Lan Fu staring coldly at the herd of beasts behind him in a daze?It must be an illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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