Chapter 1348 Counted!
"However, my lord, don't take it lightly. Maybe I'm wrong."

Lan Fu said with a worried face: "If those monks deliberately set up a phantom array to confuse us, wouldn't we have fallen for it? After all, my cultivation level is low, so I can't see through these things. It's better to be careful, my lord!"

Lan Fu's words sounded completely unreasonable, but Bai Lian's expression was somewhat disapproving.He didn't think those monks were capable of prying into their secrets, and then waited for an opportunity to sneak attack him and paralyze him with phantom arrays.

In contrast, he believes that this is an empty city plan created by those people to "live on their last breath"!

"I already know about this matter. You have worked a lot these two days, go back and rest." Bai Lian made up his mind, and his expression relaxed.

Seeing that she had successfully cleared her name, An Baobao saluted and then resigned.

Days passed, and finally, the monsters were ready to attack.

The time for the monsters to attack was no longer midnight, but the most unlikely noon.After all, how can there be a sneak attack under the blue sky and broad daylight!
Luo An'an was ordered to stay where he was and not to participate in the battle. On the surface, Bao Bao An was well-behaved, but in fact he disappeared into the camp as soon as he was invisible.

The flying feather clan that covered the sky and the sun exposed the city that was originally bathed in the sun in the shadows.The monks defending the city only had time to sound the alarm before they were torn apart by the monsters.

The gate of the city was broken, and monsters of all races drove straight in. The smoothness was unbelievable.

"Why is there no one?" Some monsters whispered.

Bai Lian suddenly had a bad feeling, isn't there a formation around the city, it's too easy for them to enter the city!Moreover, the surrounding streets are empty, and there is almost no shadow of decoration.

"No, I fell for it, withdraw!"

It was only then that Bai Lian realized that something was wrong: there was no smell of blood when they killed people just now, it was definitely a fraud!
"Want to go? It's late."

A loud voice came, Bai Lian looked up, and saw a man with fluttering sleeves standing on a high tower in the distance, he was wearing the elder's uniform of Tianmen Sect!

The illusion was suddenly shattered, and those monsters realized that they were trapped in a huge formation. The formation was surrounded by monks holding spells!
They have become fish on the chopping board!

Bai Lian immediately broke out of the formation, and such a formation naturally couldn't trap such a powerful man in the fusion stage.A hole was broken in the formation, and other monsters rushed out.

Mo Jiuxiao fought behind Elder Zhengyuan, and looked coldly at the trapped beasts below: "Let me leave that monster to the elder, it doesn't have to be killed, as long as it doesn't interfere with the killing of the disciples in the city."

"Don't worry, it's on me!" Elder Zhengyuan smiled heartily and flew after him.Speaking of which, his cultivation in the fusion period was broken through after taking the elixir of Jinhao Immortal Venerable. Jinhao Immortal Venerable had no chance to repay him, so he could only repay it to his two apprentices.

What's more, killing monsters was originally his task.

Seeing this, Mo Jiuxiao calmly ordered Rong Xinlou's killer door behind him: "Your mission is to kill all those monsters in the Nascent Soul Stage, go!"


It was almost the end of the stay, and Mo Jiuxiao himself joined the battle.Since everyone in the world knows his true cultivation, there's nothing to cover up.

"Stab la la!"

Mo Jiuxiao was dressed in black, wearing a black dragon embroidery on his forehead, and his face, as if sculpted by gods, was even more handsome. He looked cold and sexy at the same time.If any purple thunder falls, all the monsters below will be turned into coke!Even monsters in the golden core stage are the same!
They are both Jindanqi monks, but no one can achieve the lethality of Mo Jiuxiao!

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(End of this chapter)

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