Chapter 1350 Pretending to be a Family

How could it not be dumbfounded.

A woman at the early stage of Jindan, so delicate and small, killed hundreds of monsters in seconds!It even includes monsters that are also in the golden core stage!

Terrible, terrible.

Seeing that these people were restrained, Luo Anan quickly took the remaining inner alchemy and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Oops, mama, pretending to be b really has to pay a price.This almost exhausted my baby's spiritual energy!I have to quickly eat a few bottles of pills to replenish.

Luo Anan hid himself in a slightly secluded place, and after taking a few pills, he began to meditate on the spot.Ma Dan, don't use this trick next time, or you might hurt yourself!
However, the master is really a god-man, and he can use such a costly spell with ease.She also dared to use this trick after learning from her master.The more I watched, the more I felt about the ice spiritual power.

That’s why pretending to be so successful~︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿

Otherwise, with Luo An'an's strength, it would be difficult to make such a big move.

It's just that they are worthy of being a family. The fox and the shit-shoveling officer all pretend to be b, becoming the two most eye-catching blacks in the city.I really complied with the sentence that I am not a family, and I do not enter a family.

After a short rest, Luo Anan rushed into the battle circle again.Two hours later, the battle was almost over.Originally, the momentum of the beast tide was huge, but because Renxiu got the news in advance and set up a trap, it ended so quickly.

It is estimated that the time is almost up, presumably Bai Lian is too tired, she should go.

It's just a pity that I didn't see the excrement shovel officer, and there was no way to give him the spirit plant demon pill of this storage ring.

Just as Luo Anan was about to leave, someone suddenly grabbed her hand.The familiar temperature made Baby An immediately turn around, Jiuqing!

"Luo Luo," Mo Jiuxiao panted slightly and put down the barrier, and said, "Don't leave, just pretend that your fake identity is dead."

An Baobao was very moved at first, but was speechless when the excrement shoveler said: "I'm leaving now."

But Mo Jiuxiao seemed determined, and didn't say a word, just grabbed Luo An'an's wristband and didn't let go.

An Baobao had no choice but to teach earnestly: "Jiuqing, the love between children is a must! Baobao is a person who wants to compete in the world, let go!"

But Mo Jiuxiao doesn't like her at all...

Luo Anan had no choice but to hug the shit shovel officer and kiss a few times, and put a ring on the shit shovel officer: "Okay, the baby misses you too. But I really have to go, let go, huh?"

"Must we go?" Mo Jiuxiao greedily looked at his thin fox, and clamored all day to lose weight, but this time he really lost weight.This little face is not as big as a slap in the face!It was obvious that I felt a little bit uncomfortable when I hugged it just now.

The fox has suffered so much, how could he be willing to let her go again!

Luo Anan nodded, his gaze firm: "We must go."

Mo Jiuxiao lowered his eyes, feeling uncomfortable after all, and at the same time put a ring on the fox.

"Here are the meals I made, which should be enough for you to eat for a long time. Let's go, I'll see you off."

After speaking, Mo Jiuxiao put his arms around the fox's shoulders without any objection, and left.A certain mouth scolded, but his heart was warm and comfortable.Hehehe, the shit-shoveling officer is indeed Baby Aiben, he is convinced.

After walking out of the city gate, even if Mo Jiuxiao didn't want to give up on Luo An'an, he would leave.

"Luo Luo, I will stay here forever." These were Mo Jiuxiao's last words when Luo An'an left.

An Baobao suppressed the reluctance in his heart, and quickly left incognito.

 Thank you baby "Leo" for the 99 book coins, I love you~
(End of this chapter)

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