Chapter 1360 Werewolf Killing Game
Lingyue Linlang understood Luo Anan's concerns, and although she felt it was unnecessary, she also agreed.

Only then did Luo Anan feel relieved, ready to devote himself to the next werewolf killing.Since Bai Lian can tell her secretly, then the other demon kings will certainly not hand over their subordinates so easily.

Those who can know the secrets are generally the confidantes of these people. Although a few are suspected, there must be a few people they absolutely trust.

These people could be good choices for "allies"!
A gust of wind suddenly blew in the dense forest sealed by the enchantment, disturbing many plants and trees, as if foretelling what would happen next.

An Baobao lowered her eyes and pretended not to care, but she didn't know what she was thinking...


After the last person was imprisoned, several members of the Tiger clan suddenly stood up in surprise: "Lord Chaisang, what's wrong with you?"

Judging by their unbelievable expressions, it can only be seen that this Chaisang has a high status in the Tiger Clan, and maybe he is highly regarded by the Tiger King.

The person involved smiled indifferently: "Your Majesty is always fair, so I had to come in and take a walk. It's all right, I'm not afraid of the shadow. I can go out in a few days."

Luo Anan took a few glances at this person. He was tall and dark-skinned, with simple but shrewd eyes.And when he smiles, he shows a mouthful of white teeth, which is very hearty.It feels quite comfortable.but--

Luo Anan squinted his eyes, and found that the original body of this person was not a tiger, but a red-haired baboon!
Unexpectedly, Tiger King's most trusted subordinate turned out to be a baboon!
After finishing speaking, the baboon looked at the remaining [-] or [-] monsters, and said with a smile, "You are all heroes of all races. I, Chaisang, have admired your names for a long time. I am lucky to meet you today!"

It is said that you don't hit people with smiling faces when you stretch out your hands. This Chaisang has a high level of cultivation and a good temper. He speaks with a three-point compliment, and it is easy to win the favor of others.

The black curly bird of the Feiyu tribe smiled bitterly and shook his head: "It's good to be able to get acquainted with Brother Chai Sang, but this meeting place is not very good!"

"Everyone, why should you be discouraged? I think the masters and demon kings chose us not to have doubts, but to let us prove our innocence and seek fairness and justice. If we haven't done this, we haven't done it. What are you afraid of?"

Hearing this, Luo An'an just wanted to applaud, well, another master who can brainwash!Seeing how nice these words are, it's almost turning those demon kings into saints with incomparably kind hearts!

"That's true." The others nodded after hearing this, and their expressions improved a lot.

Suddenly, Chaisang looked in the direction of Luo Anan, and asked friendlyly: "This is Lord Lan Fulan who has become famous recently?"

Luo Anan didn't expect that the topic would suddenly lead to her length, she got up and said modestly: "Master Chaisang, just make fun of me, how can Lan Fu be worthy of your words?"

"You can't say that!" Chaisang looked serious, and slowly looked at Luo An'an with admiration: "Master Lan is young, but his cultivation is not weak, and now he has an excellent training skill." Medicinal skills! It really brings glory to my monster clan! You deserve this sentence, Master Lan!"

A certain one smiled on his face, but in his heart he slandered that although this flattery sounds nice, isn't it too much?

"Okay, Mr. Chaisang, don't make fun of me." Lan Fu shrugged helplessly: "If you can see me, call me Lan Fu, I really feel ashamed of the word 'Mr. Lan' ah!"

"Okay, Brother Lan is really bold!" Chaisang smiled cheerfully: "In that case, then I will call you Brother Lan. It may be fate, I feel very kind when I see Brother Lan! "

Luo An'an was also sincerely hypocritical: "Lan Fu feels the same way, brother Chai Sang."

(End of this chapter)

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