Chapter 1362 Luo Anan Was Tortured
The other party is a Mahayana monk!In case a bad mood kills her for a second, there is nothing the Feiyu Clan can do.

Otherwise, what else could it be? Could it be that the roc would kill the Feathered Snake to avenge her?It is impossible to think about it.

In the face of the safety of life, a certain one gave a very spineless flattering smile: "Yes, how can Lan Fu compare to one-thousandth of your demeanor, Your Majesty?"

Yes, you are right, everything is right.Even if you say now that you are actually a piece of shit, I will believe it.

The Feathered Snake saw Lan Fu turning his head away in annoyance, and he couldn't understand that such a...a person without a long body can refine the poison that can destroy his most powerful subordinates!God is closed eyes yet?
"Tell me, where were you and what did you do during the beast swarm!" Huayu Snake's voice was deliberately coercive, with the words "This king just wants to punish you and you and me" clearly written on his face. Character.

An Baobao yelled "Knock Li" in his heart, but he had to pretend that the clothes were uncomfortable, what a fucking test of acting skills!

"My lord... when the beast horde happened... Lan Fu stayed at the camp to watch..." Lan Fu spat out these words with difficulty, his forehead was covered with sweat.

"Oh?" The Feathered Snake responded lazily, and then asked, "Then why didn't you join the battle?"

The acting fox's ability has reached a pinnacle of proficiency, and it didn't arouse even the slightest suspicion of the feathered snake.

"...Yes... Master Bai Lian ordered me to stay... for fear that I would be injured by human cultivators in the beast tide... I will no longer be able to refine medicine for the king..." Lan Fu's pressure gradually increased, so It was becoming more and more difficult for him to speak, and he took a few breaths to rest from time to time.

"Heh, refining medicine!" Suddenly, the Feathered Snake grabbed Lan Fu's slender wrist, and the touch was unexpectedly smooth and soft, which made the Feathered Snake stunned for a moment.

The moment Luo An'an was grabbed by his wrist, he suddenly felt uncomfortable, and he exhausted all his strength to resist not letting himself break free from the feathered snake's shackles on the spot.

But the strange feeling was fleeting in the end, the next second Huayu Snake stood up and looked down at Lan Fu, Luo Anan felt a heartache in his wrist, and it also appeared on his face.

"You know some ingenious skills to make that roc appreciate it!" Huayu Snake looked at the painful expression below with disdain, and his cold words seemed to wrap around Luo An'an's ear like a cold and slippery snake.

"You said——, as long as I use my strength, your wrist for refining medicine can be completely abolished. There is no medicine in this life." The feathered snake's strength is getting stronger and stronger, Luo An'an heard the subtle sound of his own bone cracking . "At that time, what ability do you, Lan Fu, have to fight against this deity? Who gave you the courage to poison the deity's subordinates!"

It hurts, it hurts!Luo Anan felt that her wrist was broken, she had hardly suffered such a crime.The feeling of the bone being crushed is simply unbearable, because it is a long-term pain, and every minute and every second after the bone is crushed, the pain is ten times more painful than when the bone was just broken!
The hair in front of Lan Fu's forehead was soaked in Dou Da's cold sweat, this time it was not an act.Luo An'an endured the pain and was still acting: "The Snake Clan bullies the Feiyu Clan too much, Lan Fu can't just let it go... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

As soon as Luo An'an finished speaking, the Feathered Snake increased his strength again, and now Luo An'an's hand bones were completely deformed.The original shattered wrist bones were almost turned into powder at this moment, but the skin of the wrist was not broken, but it was also red and swollen, so soft that it seemed that it had no support.The feathered snake didn't notice this.

Lan Fu couldn't bear it anymore, and cried out in pain.

(End of this chapter)

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