Chapter 1384 Blue Iris

The sadness, pain, and numbness of being betrayed again, the Luoan Security Department has all experienced it.

If I really want to describe it, it is to use a knife to stab your heart again and again until the heart stops beating and the blood becomes dry.In the end, you realize that this is not the most painful...

Sanskrit left sadly on the spot, but suddenly fainted on the ground not far away.

When she woke up again, she was bound by a spiritual weapon, and her spiritual power was also sealed.

"Senior brother, why are you hesitating! As long as you refine her into a spiritual weapon, you and I will get married again, and my father's position as head will be yours! The sect will also give you the elixir for breakthrough!" the sound of.

"But... I was sorry for her in the first place, how can I pay back..." the voice was hypocritical.

"Why are you hesitating! She is a monster, how could you be together! What's more, brother, you have to think about our children. If you really say sorry, it is because she is sorry for us! She has been with you for so long , when did I help you!"

"You're right, alas..."

Hypocrisy, really hypocrisy.Luo An'an was thinking dizzily, she is Sanskrit at this moment, but she is not her.She walked all the roads Sanskrit had traveled, and suffered all the sufferings she had suffered.

Fanyin opened her eyes and looked at this very familiar yet strange man. Her dark blue hair was scattered all over the ground, and she really looked like a blue iris flower that was about to wither.

Luo Anan suddenly thought of the flower language of the blue iris: the free and broken passion in fate, delicate beauty, but fragile and perishable.

This is Sanskrit's love, ignorant into the world, a beautiful love, quickly disappears.

Seeing Sanskrit's motionless state, refusing to even say a word, the man felt a little guilty, and hurriedly defended himself: "Yin'er, it's not my fault. My lifespan is running out, but I can't die. You don't want to die. You can't help me, and you are still a monster, it was a mistake for us to be together. I am trapped in this deep mountain and old forest for you, and I am willing to give up many opportunities for you, Yin'er, you owe me this."

"And," the man slowly raised his eyes to look directly at Sanskrit, and gently caressed her face with his fingers, which was very similar to the tenderness when he first met: "I should have killed you in the first place. If I got the silvertail shark If the fish is handed over, I can exchange for the chance to avenge my parents. Yin'er, I really loved you and gave up a lot for you."

"But I don't want to be like this anymore. You can scold me or hate me. There is no way, even I hate myself. Who made me finally find that I love myself more. Blame... blame you You shouldn't have met me, and we shouldn't have started this relationship. If only I had known your identity earlier, if I hadn't saved you back then, everything that happened today would not have happened."

"It's you who made me become so despicable step by step."

After finishing speaking, the man left slowly, leaving a sentence before leaving: "The refining tool hurts, but don't worry, I will keep the blood and tears you turned into for a lifetime. Yin'er, we will not be separated."

"Hahaha," Fanyin laughed suddenly, and the laughter became louder and louder, and the tears also fell on the ground and turned into top-grade shark beads.She fell on the ground, laughing hysterically: "Hahahahahaha..."

Mistake, hahaha, it turned out that the most precious thing she cherished turned out to be a mistake!If this is not evil fate, what is it!

In the space, Luo An'an was lying on the ground holding his heart with his big hands, tears also falling down.It was so sad.

(End of this chapter)

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