Chapter 1388

When all the red faded, the original blood teardrops had become silver teardrops.Exuding a seductive aura, this is the monk's innate desire for spiritual things.

The silver teardrop circled the picture of mountains and rivers several times, and finally a white light flashed, and the picture of mountains and rivers suddenly disappeared.

A figure emerged from the silver teardrops, whose appearance was exactly the same as the mantra that Luo Anan saw.

Sanskrit looked at Luo An and frowned uncontrollably: "You are obviously a monster, why did you get mixed up with a human cultivator. It is impossible for a human monster to have a good result, let's separate quickly!"

In fact, Fanyin's words were well intentioned, she didn't want Luo Anan to repeat her old ways.After all, it was too bitter, too painful, and the ending was too tragic.

Luo An'an couldn't help frowning when he heard this, the excrement shovel officer had already taken Yi Rong Pill, why could Sanskrit see that he was a human cultivator?
An Baobao stopped the furious excrement shovel officer, and said to Sanskrit's phantom: "This is my own choice, I accept your will, but there is no one like you in the world. I am not you, and this person in my family is not that person." , our ending will naturally not be the same as yours."

Fanyin looked at An Baobao as if looking at a stubborn rock: "You will always regret it."

"I'm happy with it." Luo An'an said calmly.

This is what age, it has long been normal for monsters and humans to become Taoist couples.It is human cultivation and demon cultivation that are not recognized nowadays!
Hearing this, if the fox hadn't restrained himself from being impulsive, Uncle Mo would have rushed to the bead and crushed it.Someone gritted his teeth and said coldly, "Let's go, Lolo."

Before An Baobao could react, Mo Jiuxiao pulled the fox to leave.Seeing this, Fanyin hurriedly called to her: "Hey, don't go! Do me a favor!"

The Sanskrit sound floated in front of Luo An'an, and her phantom became more transparent: "You help me avenge, I am willing to give you all my cultivation base."

An Baobao thought to himself: Well, no wonder Jiuqing didn't let her use this bead, she would be entangled in karma.

"Your cultivation is all in this bead. When your remnants disappear, we can still get your cultivation." Mo Jiuxiao said these words gloomyly, with revenge on his face.

"Besides, your cultivation level is only at the out-of-body stage, and it is no better than an eighth-level spiritual plant. But your enemy may be difficult to deal with, which is worse than a deal." An Baobao also said frankly.

"Don't," Fanyin looked at Luo An'an pitifully: "We are all monsters, don't you help out in this friendship? And this is our fate, you see, I was originally trained It became a fairy artifact, but it was accidentally lost, and finally it was in your hands and you brought it back. What is it called, come here to meet by fate, send goose feathers from thousands of miles, the gift is light and the affection is heavy!"

Seeing that Luo Anan was not moved at all, Sanskrit confessed again: "I know that this is not good for me, and I made you go through those painful things by accident. But I really didn't mean it, really. And my cultivation Because it is definitely much easier to use than the eighth-level spiritual plant. Your cultivation base is not high, and the medicinal power of the eighth-level spiritual plant may not be able to bear it? But you can use my cultivation level directly! If this is the case, you can practice less Many years."

"Hmm..." An Baobao hesitated a little, and lightly tugged on the sleeve of the shit-shoveling officer: shit-shoveler, what do you think?

If she can really get the cultivation base of this sanskrit, she and the excrement shovel officer can even reach the Nascent Soul Stage even if the worst is the worst.It saved at least seven or eight years of time in vain.

(End of this chapter)

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