Chapter 1390

After the yard was emptied, An Baobao was so tired that he sat on the ground and stuck out his tongue.Ma Dan, she has entered the space dozens of times now, and it is very troublesome to transform every time.

Mo Jiuxiao let the fox rest on his lap, but his fingers restlessly hooked An Baobao's black satin-like black hair.The two looked at each other from time to time, and even the air was filled with the sour smell of dog food.

"What do you want to do next?" The excrement shoveler asked the fox for his opinion generously.

A certain fox's eyes rolled around: "Don't worry about Sanskrit's treasure, anyway, you can't run away there anyway. Why don't you refine the poison of that golden roc first, baby."

"Did you poison him?" Mo Jiuxiao frowned slightly: "Why are you so eager to target him?"

According to the information he got, that roc was not easy to get along with.It is as difficult as heaven to plot against him.

"Because of him..." An Baobao walked up to the excrement shovel officer's ear for a long time before explaining his reason clearly.

Uncle Mo was very speechless about the audacity of the little thing. In the whole world, only his own fox would think of poisoning a demon cultivator in the Mahayana period.

"In this way, the Dapeng bird is indeed very cruel, but you don't need to worry about it now, right? Lingyue should be able to solve it."

Speaking of this, Luo Anan wailed again, wanting to cry without tears: "I don't want to care about this anymore, but the key is that Lingyue can't come out yet! The entrance of the space is only as big as a bean, and there is no one except the baby. People can come and go freely!"

In short, Luo Anan can't do anything about it.

"But fortunately, the baby can go in and get things. We don't lack spiritual plants and other materials now." Luo Anan comforted herself.

Mo Jiuxiao said in a low voice, "Luo Luo, I love you so much."

Too much work.

Since the last farewell, my fox can be regarded as not resting.Every time you have to do something shocking to finish.

An Baobao said cheekily: "Baby also feels sorry for me, so why don't you give Jiuqing a kiss to comfort me?... Ugh!"

In the empty Lingzhi Garden, the possessive young man aggressively kissed the girl in his arms, his movements were strong but gentle.A strange yet familiar breath invaded An Baobao's mouth, chasing the soft and sweet little tongue forcefully.The prolonged suffocation made An Baobao dizzy, um, why did she want to die just now.

The shit shoveler must be poisonous, otherwise why did she feel soft all over, and even the air became hot?
Just when Luo An'an thought he was going to become the first fox in history to be kissed to death, Mo Jiuxiao's breath finally left slowly.A certain one opened its eyes and saw that the black belly licked its mouth, and looked at itself evilly: "The strawberry-flavoured fox is so delicious."

"Stinky rascal, go away..." An Baobao pushed the shit-shoveling officer away with all his strength, but unfortunately he couldn't push it for a long time, and finally was caught in the arms of the shit-shoveling officer who seized the opportunity and suffocated for a long time.

"Stop making trouble," An Baobao touched her swollen mouth sadly, and said angrily, "Baby is going out, and I don't want to see you again for an hour."

You bastard, it's okay to be a kiss, but you still bite, shit shoveler, are you a dog?
Mo Jiuxiao knew he was wrong.Although it's not good to piss off the fox, but... it's really worth it.Someone was reminiscing about the taste just now, and the expression of squinting his eyes turned out to be more like a fox than An Baobao.

"Humph!" Luo Anan didn't bother to look at the shit-shoveling officer's black-bellied face anymore, and turned to walk outside the barrier.

The two of them went out of the Lingzhi Garden in stealth again, just in time to hear the gossip of those monsters.

(End of this chapter)

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