Chapter 1394

After Mo Jiuxiao finished speaking, he saw Bai Lian's eyes tremble slightly.

He guessed right, Bai Lian's words were indeed intended to deceive Mo Jiuxiao, hoping that he would show his feet.But who is Mo Jiuxiao, he has used this kind of deception for not one thousand but eight hundred, how could he be frightened by this kind of pediatrics.

"Oh, who else could it be if it wasn't you?" The wavering in Bai Lian's eyes was only for a moment. If you don't pay attention carefully, you can't see it at all: "You are the only one who will break the barrier, and you are the one who disappears in the middle. And look at the traces to collect spiritual plants. The person left not long ago, it is impossible to find it after searching for so long. Now all the evidence points to you, Lan Fu—”

"Now it's up to you to prove to me your innocence."

Mo Jiuxiao sneered in his heart, Bai Lian, you are so tough, but you really had the guts to kill me long ago!
"Prove, how can I prove it?" Mo Jiuxiao raised his eyebrows: "Why don't Master Bai search my storage ring, if you can find a high-level spiritual plant, my storage ring will be yours."

After speaking, Mo Jiuxiao handed over his storage ring without any timidity, and let Jun inspect it.

Hehe, how could he have private property?My Caimihu just ransacked his storage ring, and now his storage ring can be called clean.So go ahead and search, you're welcome.

Thanks to Mo Jiuxiao's extreme cooperation, Bai Lian really checked all the storage rings smoothly.Almost on the verge of a body search.

The result was naturally as Mo Jiuxiao imagined, not to mention high-level spiritual plants, there wasn't even a top-grade spiritual stone in it!Bai Lian hated Mo Jiuxiao so much before, but now he sympathizes with him so much. He is too poor. This storage ring can be used to apply for the low-income household of the Feiyu clan.

Bai Lian couldn't believe that there was only such a thing in Lan Baba's hands, but the facts were in front of him, and he couldn't believe it anymore.

"...Um, Lan Fu, I was joking just now." Bai Lian silently returned all the storage rings: "Haha, I didn't expect you to live such a hard life, don't worry, I will mention this to the king after I go back .”

After speaking, Bai Lian left without looking back.


At this time, Fox Tuanzi came out of the space with a dozen or so storage rings grunting.

"Hey, Jiuqing, it's full of supplies, it should be enough for you for a while." Luo Anan was so tired.Unexpectedly, those monsters in the space that I haven't seen for a long time have all gone to retreat!Now the only ones who can work separately are Linlang, Lingyue, and herself.

As for Eggy Little Rosemary, they are all child laborers, how can they be used!

After such a toss, An Baobao was almost paralyzed in the spiritual field.

Mo Jiuxiao picked up a few storage rings and looked at them, he was stunned: "Why are there so many?"

Although there is indeed a lack of spiritual plant talisman papers on his side, it is a surprise that so many small things are suddenly delivered, okay?
"Too much," Mo Jiuxiao frowned: "You don't have to work so hard in the future. There are other ways to use Lingzhi in the pavilion..."

Seeing that the fox was so tired, he felt distressed.

But these words did not make An Baobao happy, but instead provoked a rebuke for himself: "Jiuqing, you are 484 stupid, don't you have to pay for the free ones? Isn't it better to use those spirit stones for cultivation? And the baby's spiritual plant is hundreds of times better than those of those years, don't you know how to choose?"

"Besides, I've packed everything..."

Speaking of this, Baby An suddenly felt worried about the shit-shoveling officer Qianlihu, and what was even more annoying was that the one who was cared about didn't appreciate it!
(End of this chapter)

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