Chapter 1396 Mo Jiuxiao's Helplessness
After Mo Jiuxiao said these words, he continued to move forward in a happy mood, unaware that the hairy ball on the top of his head was covered in fried hair, and his face was very red hot.

Caught off guard by a hooligan, a certain one gritted its teeth, wishing to scratch the shit-shoveling officer's head with its claws.Ma Dan, you see this baby as a fox, you are dissatisfied with desire, you are... hum!

If it weren't for the fact that this baby has a lot of adults, he would definitely have poop on your head!
"Hmph," a certain one turned its head and said angrily, "Jiuqing, I won't go back. I promised the ancestors of Xungu and Migu to go to Xizhou to bury them."


After a long time without hearing the excrement shovel officer speak, An Baobao turned around and poked Mo Jiuxiao on the forehead: "Jiuqing, why don't you speak?"

"say what?"

Mo Jiuxiao exuded air-conditioning all over his body, and his face, which was still somewhat warm, instantly became as cold as an ice sculpture.

Luo Anan did not know where to poke the hornet's nest of the shit-shoveling officer, and the whole fox got up cautiously: " can say whatever you want."

But Uncle Mo remained silent, and walked straight towards the reef forest that Luo An'an had mentioned.

There is almost no light in the deep sea, only some bright lines reflected by the rippling water faintly dispel the darkness.However, the reef forest that Luo Anan mentioned was unique in the darkness. From a distance, many light spots were found swimming in it.

Those dots are small fish that glow in the sea.

A certain one consciously found the topic: "Look, Jiuqing, don't these fish look much better than star shrimp, which are rarer on land."

But Uncle Mo still didn't speak.

An Baobao: ... You really don't want to talk to me, you shit shoveler? ╭(╯^╰)╮, then I will ignore you.

But Mo Jiuxiao was thinking sullenly in his heart: The fox is going to rebel, the person who dislikes me (don't sleep with him), dislikes our nest (doesn't go back), and now she still dislikes the star shrimp I gave her!

In order to express his anger, Officer Mo decided to keep silent.

The small fishes who were gnawing seaweed freely in the sea suddenly looked at a moving iceberg and fled in fright.A certain one is slandering in its heart: Even the fish despise you, don't you know the rare and hot fox that loves you so much?

"Where is the treasure buried?" Uncle Mo stood in the reef forest and wandered looking for it for 10 minutes before he was willing to ask the fox.

A certain one said reluctantly, "It's buried under a red rock in the southeast."

Mo Jiuxiao didn't move, instead he hugged the fox from the top of his head and sighed, "Appear."

In the next second, a well-proportioned fox dumpling appeared in Mo Jiuxiao's arms.

"Are you still angry with me?"

After being beaten up, Luo Anan wanted to vomit blood: "Who is throwing a temper tantrum? If you say a good word, you will get angry. Do you still blame me?"

"You're going to Xizhou," Mo Jiuxiao said with a cold face, "Why did you agree to the ancestors of Fengpinggu? And why did you suddenly run to Fengpinggu? When the space is unavailable. Do you think I should be angry?"

"I should build a house with spirit stones, and let you hide in it and not go anywhere." lest I worry about something happening to you day and night.

The fox's love of taking risks has become the most helpless thing for Mo Jiuxiao.He hopes that his little boy can practice honestly in the sect, instead of relying on adventures to improve himself, and he can do such things alone.

An Baobao was taken aback by the shit-shoveling officer's tone of "an old father who is worried about his daughter who is too rebellious". What does the shit-shoveling mean?Today I have to make it clear.

(End of this chapter)

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