Chapter 1399
"That's enough, don't push your incompetence to other reasons!" The three-eyed tiger waved them down in disgust, got up and looked at the remaining people: "It seems that our group of uneducated monsters are really not suitable for being human What Xiu did. This Ten Thousand Beast Alliance will be useless at all, why not plan how to attack again by this king."

The seductive girl Phantom Butterfly flicked her skirt, and asked crisply, "How to solve the undercover matter?"

"Fuck that!" Three-eyed Tiger swears, "In the future, each ethnic group will take care of the affairs of each ethnic group, so as not to be undercover and harm everyone! Whoever suffers will be unlucky!"

Luo An'an stood beside Mo Jiuxiao incognito, and couldn't help frowning at the same time as Mo Jiuxiao after hearing this: The three-eyed tiger's move seems reckless, but it's the best when you think about it carefully!This kind of undercover investigation is simple, crude and effective. Although the price is a bit high, it is worth it!

Sure enough, the three-eyed tiger has two brushes to be able to surpass other demon kings.But it's true, how could a monster with a pure mind reach the Mahayana stage? I'm afraid it would have been killed by a human or other demon cultivator long ago.

"Just do what the three-eyed tiger says!" Huayu Snake also agreed.

The five demon kings have all reached a consensus, and the only thing left to do is to pack up and leave.

"Lan Fu," the Feathered Snake suddenly flashed up in front of Mo Jiuxiao and gave a thud, its slender snake pupils were full of seriousness: "Go to the Snake Clan with me, I will never treat you badly."

An Baobao was shocked by this scene, and the shit shovel officer...was stumped by someone...

In fact, this is also An Baobao's fault, the human form she transforms into is habitually about the same height as herself.This made Lan Fu look a little petite among the monsters of five big and three thick.And Mo Jiuxiao replaced Luo An'an as Lan Fu, so naturally he had to be the same height...

Otherwise, with Mo Jiuxiao's stature two centimeters taller than Huayu Snake's, let's dream about Shudong!

A certain one backed away silently, biting its paw silently to see how the shit shoveler would respond.

Seeing that Lan Fu didn't respond, the Feathered Snake thought it was because he didn't have enough chips, so he lifted Mo Jiuxiao's chin with a chuckle: "Or, it's okay if you want to be the king's snake queen."

After speaking, she leaned close to his ear and said with a low smile, "As long as you can please me..."

Luo Anan, Luo Anan has covered his eyes and dare not watch this scene anymore.

In all fairness, the Feathered Snake is not ugly by nature, and these movements are strong and ambiguous. If it were placed on an ordinary monster, it would have already made the opponent's heart jump.But helpless, the object of his teasing is the steel Zhimo Jiuxiao who has his own heart——

"Get out!" Mo Jiuxiao said with a cold face and only one word.If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, he would have jumped up and knocked out the water that got into Huayu Snake's brain.

At this moment, Bai Lian remembered his previous promise, got up and walked over to stand beside Mo Jiuxiao: "Master Snake King, isn't it good for you to poach someone so openly? Why, is this even taking people away?"

"Lan Fu, return to this king." Huayu Snake raised an eyebrow: "Whatever you Feiyu clan want, the price is whatever you want."

"No." Bai Lian suddenly put his arms around Mo Jiuxiao: "Lan Fu is from the Feiyu clan, so it is impossible for him to go with anyone."

Luo Anan looked at this scene with complicated emotions, two men fighting over a woman, uh, fighting over a man, this classic plot of the overbearing president Xie Mei Wang Ye's novel actually happened to the shit shoveler first...

And Mo Jiuxiao himself is: [My heart is not fluctuating, and I even feel a little nauseous.jpg]

"Bai Lian, you didn't have this attitude before." Huayu Snake frowned and looked at Mo Jiuxiao: "Twenty eighth-rank spiritual plants plus the position of Queen of the Snake, Lan Fu, will you follow me or not?"

(End of this chapter)

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