Chapter 1410 Harmful Fox Cannot Eat Bird ([-])

Obviously Luo An'an's voice was very low and soft, but all the birds and beasts could not ignore this sentence.On the contrary, that sentence was like a needle stuck in everyone's heart.

Jin Wu thought he was fully prepared, not only did he not show any fear, but he sneered and patted his injured wings: "If you want to kill me, hahaha, it depends on whether Master Lan Fu has the ability! "

"But what if Lord Lan Fu can't prove his innocence!" Xiao Feique looked at Luo Anan bitterly, obviously believing that he was the murderer.This will rush to punish him.

"If this gentleman is really the murderer, then this gentleman will commit suicide on the spot!"

"Nonsense!" Lingxi said with a cold face: "You are too presumptuous, only the king can deal with Lan Fu, what do you take the rules for!"

Luo An'an himself looked indifferent: "It's okay, don't they want to be fair? In this way, Master Lingxi doesn't have to be embarrassed. What's more, I, Lan Fuxing, who is sitting upright, am still afraid of this kind of conspiracy?"

Lingxi backed away silently and got a headache: No wonder Mr. Bai Lian doesn't want to take care of Lan Fu's affairs anymore, why is this person just... so stupid!
Normally, this kind of thing is not a big deal at all.But it's just a little monster who died, who made it low in cultivation, isn't it normal to die?The world of monsters and beasts never lacks for the weak and the strong!
Forget it, let's see what Lan Fu can do to prove his innocence.If there is really nothing to do in the end, it will not be too late for him to intervene.

"Then invite Master Lingxi to be the witness." Both sides said at the same time.

Seeing the dust settled, Jin Wu was so excited that he could hardly speak clearly: "Then please Lord Lan Fu prove his innocence! Otherwise, don't blame us..."

An Baobao smiled lightly: "What's so difficult about it, who is the real culprit, no one knows better than Feifei himself, right?"

"Hey, what's the use of Master Lan Fu saying this? Both Feifei and Feifei are dead, so it's possible that Master Lan Fu will summon souls?"

"Who says I can't?"

Luo Anan's eyes were full of seriousness, and his face was also very cautious.

Jin Wu's expression changed instantly, could it be that Lan Fu really has such abilities?
Even Lingxi looked at Luo An'an in disbelief, feeling a little surprised.Everyone was quiet for a while, and the atmosphere in the air was very strange.

"Pfft," Lan Fu shook his fan and laughed, "I'm just joking that Lord Jinwu is nervous. I just know how to refine medicine, and I don't have any other skills. Don't be nervous."

Jin Wu heaved a sigh of relief, and gave Lan Fu a hard look: "Master Lan Fu, please be more serious!"

"It's really boring." Lan Fu closed his fan with a snap, and said in boredom, "In that case, let Feifei tell who the murderer is."

"How long will Lord Lan Fu's joke be going on? Feifei is dead!" Xiao Feique's heart fluctuated repeatedly, and he was already angry: "Is it because Lan Fu has a guilty conscience and deliberately changed the subject!"

"I'm not joking this time," Lan Fu said seriously, "Who said Feifei is dead!"

Lingxi couldn't help but uttered: "Lan Fu, what's going on."

Luo Anan didn't reply, but just put a medicine bottle in front of the little monster Feifei to let him smell the medicine.

Everyone looked at this scene in bewilderment, only Jin Wu thought that Lan Fu was playing tricks, and his heart was full of disdain.

"Cough cough cough..."

A faint cough suddenly broke the silence at the moment, and Jin Wu turned his head to look in disbelief.

Feifei is alive!

Who is the monster that is fluttering its wings and coughing?

(End of this chapter)

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