Chapter 1413 Must Die

"This is a matter between you and me, and has nothing to do with Master Lingxi."

Lan Fu pressed on step by step with a flashing fan in his hand, showing no intention of backing down.Just when Lingxi was about to speak, Jin Wu suddenly struggled, and before he could feel the pain for a few seconds, he lost his breath in an instant.

He died so cleanly.

Luo An'an opened the fan and shook it, looked indifferently at the corpse on the ground, and the words she spit out were even more chilling.

"I told you, your life belongs to me."

Lingxi was a little stunned, Wanwan didn't expect Lan Fu to be so ruthless, completely disregarding the other party's identity.After all, Jin Wu is also... also one of the top [-] birds and beasts in the past!He didn't even say a word of persuasion, but Lan Fu actually killed the bird.

As if that wasn't enough, Lan Fu swiped two sabers and took away Jin Wu's inner alchemy.

This is too cruel, right?

The little fat bird stared blankly at this scene, and the pill bottle in his hand fell from his arms, rolling around several times.The sound of the bottle turning broke the silence in the air.

"Ahem." Lingxi covered her mouth and said, "Lan Fu, you're like this..."

Luo Anan took out a pill bottle and whistled: "The medicine refined this time is really useful, and it can be regarded as repayment for Jin Wu's effort to find Lan Jingwei's feather to frame me."

Of course Lingxi also saw this, he coughed twice to cover up and said: "It's just that you are too reckless, so it's inevitable that it will be true."

"I never cared about this." Lan Fu turned around with a sneer and said arrogantly: "So what if you don't like it? Unless they can kill me, you have to bear with me!"

"Forget it, it's a trivial matter anyway." Lingxi said helplessly, "But you also know that Jin Wu and Zhu Xin are very close, and it may be even more difficult to resolve your grievances in the future."

Lan Fu smiled lightly, and the hair hanging on both sides was gently blown by the breeze, making his originally handsome face a little more free and easy: "It has long been impossible to untie it, and there is no need to untie it. Let Master Lingxi worry about it." Yes, I have a plan in mind."

"Zhu Xin is not as easy to deal with as Jin Wu, and he is not something you can kill casually." Lingxi frowned slightly and said helplessly.

"So what, I'm just defending myself. Presumably, even if the king knows this, he won't blame me." Luo An'an finished speaking indifferently, and then said: "Now I have good materials for alchemy, Mr. Lingxi can do it. Do you want to make some more pills?"

Lan Fu is going to drag him into the water too!Lingxi couldn't help feeling a headache when he saw this young man who was very wise and close to a monster. Using Jin Wu's inner alchemy to refine medicine, is this asking him to help share Zhu Xin's anger?
"No." Lingxi thanked him indifferently, and he didn't want to have conflicts with other people for the time being.Especially those narrow-minded like Zhu Xin.

Luo Anan cupped his hands and bowed: "In this case, Lan Fu will go back first, and I will trouble Master Lingxi to help finish it."

Little Feique and Little Fat Bird stared at Lan Fu's back in a daze, as if they hadn't reacted to what happened just now.

After a while, the news that Lan Fu killed Jin Wu spread throughout the Feiyu clan.

All the birds and beasts have a new understanding of this normally amiable Mr. Lan Fu.Unexpectedly, if this person is not angry, he is fine. If he is really angry, he must see blood.

"Oh, that's just how he is." Bai Lian looked at Lingxi who came to discuss, and said in a "helpless" tone: "He was never afraid of even a feathered snake in the Mahayana period at the Ten Thousand Beasts meeting, so how could he?" Care about a Jinwu?"

Hearing these consonances, his expression became serious: "So Lan Fu's temperament is indeed a bit...perverse, this is not good."

"So what if it's not good, anyway, I can't control him anymore." Bai Lian shook his head: "Only the king can discipline him personally."

(End of this chapter)

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