Chapter 1424 Successful escape from death ([-])

An Baobao was a little stunned. What, what are you talking about? Didn't you say everything you need to say?

But a certain brain turned around, pretending to be confident and said: "Of course, Lan Fu has improved his medicine refining skills recently, so he should be able to refine a few more medicines for the king."

Luo An'an secretly observed Dapeng's expression while talking, and when he saw his brows stretched, he knew he had guessed right.

But that's good too, Lingzhi will die after he has cheated this time.Hahaha, aren't these high-level spiritual plants earned by blood?Cough cough, in short, it can make Dapeng bird mad.

To Luo An'an's surprise, he didn't expect Dapeng to spend a lot of money this time in order to improve his cultivation.

"Forget it, since you have the heart, then try taking five ninth-level spiritual plants this time. Lan Fu, if it is a ninth-level spiritual plant, can you find a way to refine it into a elixir?" Jinguan Dapeng knocked on the table Shen Sheng said.

"Lan Fu is willing to give it a try." Lan Fu humbly cupped his hands.

"Okay, I trust you, but don't let me down. Go on." After speaking, a turquoise storage ring came into Luo An'an's hands.


There was nothing else to do after finishing speaking, Luo Anan took a step forward, and another pill bottle appeared out of thin air in his hand: "This is the elixir that the king asked me to refine last time. It has been refined these days, and the king can retreat again gone."

"Very good." Dapeng took the pill and waved them away.

"Master Lan Fu is so highly valued by the king, congratulations." Lingxi said to Luo An'an with a light smile. "Lord Lan Fu can go out with peace of mind now."

Luo An thought to himself: "The Dapeng bird hasn't retreated yet, why should I go out?"Going out is courting death.

Therefore, Luo An put the storage ring into the space and smiled slightly: "No, I'd better go back and study how to refine these ninth-level spiritual plants."

After Baobao An pretended to build a car behind closed doors for a few days, Lingyue finally told Dapeng Bird that he had retreated, and Luo Anan walked out slowly.

Along the way, many monsters greeted Luo Anan friendly and asked him where he was going.An Baobao always responded gently to this: "Go to the cliff and pick some spiritual plants for research."

She couldn't believe that this news didn't reach Fenghuo Zhuxi's ears!
And the cliff is a good place, where the wind is so strong that ordinary little monsters can't stay there.What's more, the place is remote, and the big monsters don't want to take a look at it for the first time.

Looking at the bottomless cliff in front of him, Luo Anan shook his head and thought: Well, it's a good place to kill people and exterminate corpses.It is suitable to be the cemetery of "Lan Fu".

Sure enough, after Luo An'an picked a few poisonous weeds and waited patiently for a while, Zhu Xin quietly reappeared behind him.

"Lord Lan is really proud of the spring breeze recently!" Zhu Xin said, the fire in his eyes was about to burst out.

"Hmm, it's natural." Lan Fu arrogantly didn't even look at Zhu Xin, and squatted down Cai Lingzhi casually: "No one is happy to get rid of disgusting enemies! Unfortunately, only one .”

Before Zhuxin's anger erupted, Lan Fu straightened up and said, "But I believe the rest will not live long, what do you think, Master Zhuxin?"

How can this blatant murderous intent not understand, Lan Fu's words are referring to him inside and out!

"If the king really gives you a good face, you will fly high, delusional!" Zhu Xin said viciously: "I have followed the king for so many years, and no one knows what he is like than me. You can rely on The ability to refine medicine is only of some use! If you lose it—"

"So what? I'm so scared~" An Baobao shrugged, but there was an undisguised mockery on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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