Chapter 1449 The Blind Toad

After passing the jar, Luo Anan deliberately turned his hands over, revealing his palms full of calluses and knife wounds.Now the originally beautiful hands are no longer beautiful.

As expected, Niu Zong had a disappointed expression, but his eyeballs rolled around for a while, and he still didn't give up (don't ask An Baobao how he could tell his eyeballs were rolling from such a small slit).Sure enough, the dead fat pig spoke again.

"You, lift the veil and let me see, young master."

"Yes." Luo Anan smiled slightly, and lifted the veil "kindly".

Under the veil was a face that was so ordinary that it was extremely featureless. It had single eyelids, short eyelashes and slender eyes, a big nose, thick lips, and it wasn't even wasn't even considered pretty!What's even more surprising is that there is a tear mole in the corner of the girl's eye.Well, her tear mole is a red mole the size of a grain of rice, but her tear mole is a black mole the size of a copper coin!
Nima, can this kind of mole be called a tear mole?
Master Moxiu almost threw up when he saw Luo An'an at first sight.

Although the magic cultivators are not as beautiful as the delicate girls of the big sect, they can also dress themselves up!The makeup that should be used, the ugly ones can be covered with heavy makeup, in general, they can pass.

However, Luo An'an's "natural and uncarved" appearance made Niu Zong only have one thought, every time he looked at her, it was like keeping in good health.

That feeling is exactly the same as eating only cabbage and tofu without oil for three consecutive months.

Not only Niu Zong, but even Li Zhuo twitched the corners of his mouth because of Luo An'an's appearance.This guy is really cruel to himself, isn't it said that the more beautiful a woman is, the more she cares about her appearance!Luo Anan's appearance is almost disfigured, right?

"Okay, okay, go down." Niu Zong stood up with difficulty, and went to feed the earthworms with the jar.The rest of the people consciously closed their sense of smell~
Luo An'an looked at those blue-black link creatures wriggling in the soil, and felt disgusted in his stomach, Nima, are all demonic beasts so ugly, they match the dead fat pig in front of them! !

No one noticed that Mo Jiuxiao's eyes flashed red at this moment.

"Hahahaha, eat more." Seeing his monster getting closer to him again, the dead fat pig laughed out loud.Finally, he waved his hand: "Well, you have made merit, I am happy, young master, you all go to receive the reward!"

"Yes." At this moment, Elder Liu and the others finally looked a little happier.Hastily pulled Mo Jiuxiao and the others away.

Mo Jiuxiao turned around calmly, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

As if possessed by an evil spirit, Niu Zong, who was happily feeding the earthworms, leaned forward too much, and suddenly accidentally fell into the formation.The little herring left in the jar spilled all over his face.

The rancid smell attracted the earthworm. It searched for the smell and bit Niu Zong's face with its well-hidden fangs!Impartiality just fits in Niu Zong's eyes.


A scream suddenly came from behind, and the footsteps of several people stopped suddenly.Mo Jiuxiao finally showed his first smile on his always gloomy face, and gently took the fox's hand.

"He's blind." The plain voice came into Luo An'an's mind, with a faint taste of bloodlust. "Seeing things that shouldn't be seen, that's what it should be."

"You did it?" A certain one raised an eyebrow and looked at the shit-shoveling officer, and said silently through voice transmission.

Mo Jiuxiao was silent, but obviously acquiesced.

"Beautiful job!" An Baobao couldn't help admitting that the poop shoveler did a great job, which is cool!
Several other demon cultivators immediately turned their heads to look, and finally, with miserable howls, they saw the blood all over the ground and the screaming Niu Zong whose eyes turned into black holes.

Now he became a blind toad.

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(End of this chapter)

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