Chapter 1457 The Maverick of the Phantom Butterfly
As soon as he jumped into the sea, Luo Anan turned into a little blue whale, swallowed the excrement shoveler in one gulp, and then swam quickly to the deep sea.

This time, we must take the opportunity to swim as far as possible, lest the shit shovel officer suddenly make a shocking promotion.

Mo Jiuxiao was dumbfounded by Luo An'an's actions: "Luo Luo doesn't have to... In this way, isn't there a water-avoiding pill?"

Alas, small things are good everywhere, but the best thing is that you care about yourself.Someone's heart elated.

Before Mo Jiuxiao could fantasize for a while, Luo An'an spoke ruthlessly.

"I'm not stupid, of course I know this! The baby dislikes your slow speed!" A certain one didn't hide its dislike, and by the way said dissatisfied: "Jiuqing, don't scratch my mouth, itchy!"

Mo Jiuxiao's fiery heart was instantly chilled by the basin of cold water from his own fox, and his heart was not flying...

Someone turned dark, and scratched the fox's mouth a few more times, which made Luo Anan almost laugh out itchy.

"By the way, Jiuqing, do you know what's going on with the Phantom Butterfly?" Luo Anan suddenly thought of this, and asked curiously: "He, is he a male or a female?"

I have never seen anyone who was a man one day and turned into a little girl the next day.

Mo Jiuxiao replied flatly, "One body, two souls."

"Well, how did (⊙v⊙) gain weight?"

"The Phantom Butterfly was originally a female butterfly and had a twin brother. Unfortunately, his younger brother died a little earlier, but left a remnant soul, so he made up his mind to take away his sister, the Phantom Butterfly. But it was discovered by the Phantom Butterfly, although in the end She wasn't taken away, but she couldn't get her brother out of her body either."

"Then she must have this ability now, why is she still like this?"

"Because Phantom Butterfly was misled by her brother to practice a questionable exercise book, which was actually prepared for the body of a female cultivator who was taken away by a male cultivator. If she really drove her brother away It is no longer possible to break through. And with the advancement of cultivation, the connection between them becomes more and more inseparable, and now they are inseparable."

Lan Jingan murmured and said, "Even if we can separate, I think her younger brother won't want to leave, because even if she can find another body with excellent talent, it's not as good as a person whose cultivation base is already at the stage of Mahayana." Body. After working so hard for so long, her younger brother should not be willing to make wedding clothes for others, right?"

"There is also this reason." Mo Jiuxiao was noncommittal about this, and then said: "So the two of them have already discussed it, and each of them will appear in turn. Now it is harmonious."

"Oh, fragile harmony." Luo Anan said sharply, "If there is a pill that eliminates a soul, their harmony will be broken! Oh, Jiuqing, we are all so far away from your cultivation base Why is it still rising!"

Seeing that it is about to change from the late stage of golden elixir to the golden elixir of great perfection, okay?
"The fight should be very intense now." Mo Jiuxiao said slowly: "I didn't expect the Phantom Butterfly to be the first one to start the third time."

"She said Damoxiu was caught off guard, tsk tsk, in fact, insects are very difficult to deal with, especially poisonous ones." An Baobao sighed.

Mo Jiuxiao was very indifferent to this: "This has nothing to do with us."

Luo Anan also followed suit: "Yeah, it has nothing to do with us, we have already left...too bad, I didn't bring Li Zhuo with me!"

An Baobao's fish tail twirled violently and stopped immediately.

Only then did a certain one realize what it had forgotten, and hurriedly swam in a circle in the water: "What to do, Li Zhuo's cultivation base is so weak, he has no ability to protect himself at all!"

 I'm so sleepy, I really want to sleep, but I can't fall asleep...

  The author is listening to Qing Meihu refreshing ╮(╯﹏╰)╭

(End of this chapter)

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