Chapter 1467

"not good!"

The ancestor of Huaxu Sect squinted his eyes and looked serious. If the dragon breaks through successfully, then all the injuries he suffered in the thunder calamity will be healed.At this time, it is not easy to catch it again.

Who knows if Shenlong has any secret method to tear the void, even if he is already at the Mahayana stage, there is no guarantee that he will be able to catch it!
The left and right expressions of the Phantom Butterfly on the side are rarely the same, and the seriousness on their faces shows that they are worried about the same thing as the ancestor of the Huaxu Sect.

But no matter how anxious they were, Mo Jiuxiao's breakthrough was a foregone conclusion, and it was impossible to change it.

Luo Anan watched the radiance of the shit shovel officer grow brighter and brighter, but suddenly disappeared in an instant.

Mo Jiuxiao opened his eyes and got up.

Nascent Soul Stage, success!
Luo Anan immediately turned back into a dragon body, and said to the shit-shoveling officer, "Jiuqing, you leave first, I'll attract those people's attention."

"Then be careful." Although Mo Jiuxiao frowned, but thinking that Lingyue should be able to protect the little thing well, he didn't object stubbornly.

"You don't have to worry about baby doing things, Master has specially trained my escape skills!" A certain paw patted his chest and said to himself.

Mo Jiuxiao was slightly speechless: "...You still have the nerve to mention this matter, what kind of bullying has the maze dog made you?"

I don't know what my little thing did in the end, so that he was so angry that he never saw anyone again.The fox's revenge was avenged, and he was very happy for many days.

A certain one stuck out its tongue: "I'm doing this in self-defense, who made that maze dog so cruel."

After finishing speaking, Luo Anan watched Mo Jiuxiao take the invisibility pill, and then he soared into the sky with peace of mind.


The high-pitched dragon cry recalled that the golden dragon broke through the sea, and the dragon-horned dragon was shining brightly under the already dark sky, and finally wandered in the air for a few laps and then headed for the sea farther away.

Lingyue also obeyed Luo An'an's order at this moment, restrained the restraint on this sea area, and followed Luo An'an to protect her.

"Can't let it run away, chase after!"

The majestic Moxiu chased after them, and those Zerg monsters who were afraid of water also bit the bullet and went together.A certain one looked back halfway, oh my god, there is a huge area of ​​darkness, there are definitely not only demon cultivators from the Huaxu Sect.

I'm afraid that the magic cultivators of the other four sects also followed their breath and caught up a lot.

Luo Anan thought, flying faster.Coupled with Lingyue's assistance, a certain dragon disappeared with a whoosh, and only the Phantom Butterfly and the Huaxumen Demon Clan could barely keep up with the speed.

But it is limited to watching from a distance behind.

Luo Anan calculated that the distance was almost there, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Woo——" the golden dragon raised its head and uttered a long and loud dragon chant, then dived into the bottom of the sea with a puff.

The ancestor of Huaxumen jumped into the sea after him, and Phantom Butterfly looked at the sea with disgust, hesitated for a few seconds, and finally got into the water.

But a few seconds were enough for Luo Anan to disappear without a trace.

Suddenly Luo An'an felt a wave of divine consciousness locking on to him, which seemed to carry the aura of that demon cultivator.A look of disgust appeared in An Baobao's eyes, and he directly asked Lingyue to attack.


Just calling out his name, Lingyue understood Luo An'an's meaning, and wiped away the consciousness of Baby An's body at that time.

At the same time, taking advantage of the Huaxu Sect patriarch's spiritual consciousness, he was unprepared and severely injured his spiritual consciousness sea without mercy!


The Patriarch of Huaxu Sect let out a cry of pain, then his eyes went dark and he lost consciousness.

Even if he immediately adjusted his state so that the dizziness lasted only a few seconds, when he opened his eyes again, he could no longer see the golden dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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