Chapter 1469 Shame
Niu Quan didn't think there was anything wrong with doing this, but said regretfully: "It's a pity, that string of beads is something left by Mo Shachen back then, there is no second in the world..."

In the blink of an eye, Niu Quan suddenly thought of something, and stood stiffly on the spot, breaking out in a cold sweat.

Although Niu Zong wondered why his father stopped talking halfway through, he was not interested in it, so he didn't continue to ask.

Niu Quan returned to his cave in a daze, so stiff that he couldn't even hold his teacup steady.Yes, as expected, he said there was something wrong!
All the treasures in the accident were left behind by Mo Shachen...

Niu Quan didn't dare to think about what this represented.

To this day, he can still think of that man's cold and disdainful eyes, which pierced deeply into his heart like a thorn, making him dare not be afraid.Occasionally dreaming back at midnight, he still can't believe that such a powerful person is dead!

Everyone in the world thought that the four major gates of Xizhou were subdued by Mo Shachen. In fact, only they knew that Mo Shachen never looked down on them!
It's just that they have the cheek to come forward and forcefully serve Mo Shachen, which makes the monks in the Lingguang Continent Zhongzhou misunderstand.

It's a pity, heaven is jealous of talents, since Shengyu He Shengliang!Even though Mo Shachen was a once-in-a-thousand-year genius, he still died in the hands of such an astoundingly talented person like Immortal Jin Hao.Naturally, these magicians can only roll back to Xizhou in despair.

There is only one thing that makes him still feel guilty. When Mo Shachen died, almost all of his cronies were killed in battle, so he took all the treasures he left behind and returned to Huaxu Sect with peace of mind.Of course, he never thought of avenging Mo Shachen.

But now...

No matter who the other party is, they must remember and hate what they did at the beginning, fearing that they will not be kind.


"Quack quack~"

A certain fox hugged its stomach and laughed like a duck: "Haha, Jiuqing, I beat Niu Quan into a dead pig's head again today. Quack quack, the baby also dropped several of his treasures. You don't know his distressed face at that time." It's all blue."

"Those are evil weapons. They can only harm people if they stay in the world. It's better to drop them." Mo Jiuxiao said lightly.

Even though Mo Shachen was his biological father, he himself had never done anything harmful to nature—except for giving birth to him.But his subordinates are all extremely powerful, so they were naturally born out of blood.

How could he not have done anything bad!
What's more, these things are now in Niu Quan's hands, and he can know how he will use them without thinking about them.My little things can be regarded as eliminating harm for the people.

"Well, it's not enough, it's not enough!" A certain one rubbed its chin in thought, then turned to look at the excrement shoveler seriously: "Jiuqing, everything is about to fall, and Niu Zong is also miserable, but don't you think Wouldn't it be better to have fun alone than to have fun with everyone?"

Mo Jiuxiao looked at the little demon-like fox with a belly full of bad water, his iceberg-like face melted quite a bit, and even his eyes showed a hint of doting unconsciously: "What does Luo Luo want to do again?"

"This is a secret!" A certain one is both guilty and righteous, and what she's going to do next may be a little...wretched, and the shit-shoveling officer must never know!

Mo Jiuxiao didn't ask any more questions, he already knew what the little thing was thinking.

Wretched, Mo Jiuxiao touched his chin with great interest, but he didn't know what wretched things his own fox would do?

The opportunity came soon, and in a few days, Niu Zong was going to hold a sacrifice with all the demon cultivators left in the gate.

Like all cults, Moxiu always likes to engage in these things.

(End of this chapter)

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