Chapter 1480 The Third Beast Tide

The dark city is a strategic place, not only the Anluomen, but also those monsters are coveting it.

And the death rate of the demon cultivators stationed in the dark city is also the highest.

Mo Jiuxiao heard a lot of negative words along the way, and one of them touched him the most.

"Oh, we shouldn't, we shouldn't be cultivating demons!" A demon cultivator with a vicissitudes of life sighed, and his tone was full of regret: "At first, I only thought that cultivating demon cultivators grew rapidly, but now that I think about it... It's almost self-defeating. This world is not easy for spiritual cultivation, but magic cultivation is not much better. But spiritual cultivation is still blessed by the sect, and life is not too difficult. But our magic cultivation has always been free-range. After finally entering the Youzi Gate but being ordered to do this or that by others, it is more likely to die than when doing casual cultivation before."

"Besides, there is no other way out now. If we leave the Youzi Gate, other gates will not want us. When we go back to Central Continent, we will be hunted down all the time, and we can still be normal monks there. I feel like I have no way out." Moxiu felt a bitter taste in his mouth as he spoke, and couldn't say anything else.

The others expressed deep agreement with this statement, and finally looked at each other speechlessly, only sighing to relieve their sorrow.

Mo Jiuxiao also chewed those words carefully, his heart sank.

Yes, it is impossible to become a normal monk after becoming a magic cultivator.He must not be enchanted!


within the space.

An Baobao was reading a book quietly in the hammock, but suddenly sat up suddenly, with a serious expression on his face.

"Master, what's the matter?" Lin Lang asked in bewilderment as she looked at An Baobao's face that something serious had happened.

But Luo An'an didn't answer her right away, but her face became more and more serious as if she was listening to someone's words carefully.

After a long time, Luo An'an opened his mouth and said slowly: "Well, I know, you should be careful."

After speaking, Luo An'an finally turned his attention to Lin Lang, with a worried expression on his face: "Lin Lang, it seems that something serious happened in Zhongzhou again."

"What the hell is going on, what happened?"

"I just felt that the contract formation that I sold to Wan Guizong was activated." Luo An sank, and said slowly: "This shows that Wan Guizong has been seriously attacked, so I contacted Qing Luan, the situation is very bad."

As a result, Linlang's little loli also had a nervous look on her face: "What's wrong?"

"Qingluan said that recently, a kind of spirit plant that enhances spiritual power has been discovered among monsters for some reason, and the monsters who take it will become more ferocious and powerful! Qingluan secretly investigated, and that kind of spiritual power The plant is probably poisonous, although it can temporarily improve the strength, but it will make the monster lose its mind, until it goes crazy and kills anyone. And—”

"Bai Lian seems to have led his troops to attack Yumiaozong, but he doesn't know what's going on with Tianmenzong now." Luo An'an couldn't help adding a little more worry in his heart as he spoke. "In this way, the third beast tide should start one after another."

Linlang's little loli naturally comforted: "Master, don't worry. Although there are some problems with the formation, it is not a problem to protect Wan Guizong before no one understands the mystery. Not to mention that Tianmenzong and Yumiaozong have Mahayana monks sitting in the town. There will be no trouble."

"It's hard to say." Luo Anan turned around a little irritably: "Those monsters have suffered a few times from human cultivation, and now they are not proficient in the tricks of soldiers. Now that the master is not in Tianmenzong, I'm afraid The brains of those elders in the sect will not be smart enough."

"What's more, I don't know anything about the situation of the Tianmen Sect. I don't even know which clan will lead troops to attack. How can I not worry!"

(End of this chapter)

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