Chapter 1482
Feng Xue was dumbfounded by Luo An'an's words, and it took a while to realize: "Master An'an is right!"

An Baobao turned to look at the excrement shovel officer with disgust on his face: "Jiuqing, why do I think Fengxue is a bit stupid?"

Mo Jiuxiao nodded naturally: "If he is really capable, I wouldn't have lost his mind."

Fengxue: ...? ? ? ! ! !

Suddenly the air felt a little magical: I heard something, the amount of information is so great!
"Forget it," Luo An'an directly gave up the topic, and asked instead: "What's the matter with the spirit plant that drives monsters crazy? What does it look like, and what's its name?"

Fengxue sent someone to deliver a box to the door, and after receiving the jade box, he closed the door and took out the red spiritual plant inside the box.

"That's the thing. It turned out to be a poisonous weed that is not very famous, and no one noticed it, but I didn't expect it to have such an effect on monsters." Feng Xue said helplessly: "I really don't know how to deal with it."

"Didn't the alchemists in the sect develop an antidote?" An Baobao rubbed his chin and pondered, "It's just a poisonous weed, so it shouldn't be so difficult, right?"

"But this poisonous weed only has an effect on monsters, and it won't cause any harm to humans after eating it. In short, the elders of the sect still don't have a clue." Feng Xue said with a headache.

Mo Jiuxiao got the news he wanted, put away the twin mirrors, and said to Luo An: "Don't worry, Luo Luo, nothing will happen to the sect."

"Hehe," Luo Anan shook his head: "I'm afraid it won't be too easy. That poisonous weed is indeed a problem, and I don't have it in my space. Jiuqing, if you go out and see this, can you help me collect some?"

How could Mo Jiuxiao refuse to agree to the end, so he just said hello.

On the second day, the demon cultivators who rested for the night were about to start patrolling.

They live collectively in a dark stone castle. The corridors are sealed with stones on both sides, and the outside light cannot penetrate at all. Only the scattered candles can illuminate.Every time you take a step, the small voice is constantly amplified and echoed in the corridor.

He obviously lives on the mountain, but Mo Jiuxiao feels like walking in an underground city, which is very dark and depressing.

"Hey, your mission today is to patrol along several mountains." Moxiu, who delivered the order, announced the mission nonchalantly: "Patrol each mountain three times, and you can come back when you are done."

After this person left, the demon cultivators who arrived yesterday began to feel aggrieved."What the hell do you live in, it's as dark as a mouse hole", "This is cheating, mountain patrolling is the most tiring job, they deliberately leave it to us to do it"... and other complaints.

But Mo Jiuxiao didn't speak, he turned around and went to the place to inspect, alone.

In fact, each moxiu has to inspect different sites, and they couldn't meet together in the first place, and complained about it, but in the end they still have to do their own things.

Mo Jiuxiao casually circled the mountain a few times, but found nothing as expected.At the same time, he also observed the topography of the surrounding mountains, thinking about what he was planning.

"Damn it, what a shitty place, there isn't even a single good spiritual plant on the whole mountain, I'm blinded by all my hard work."

Mo Jiuxiao followed the sound and saw that a familiar Moxiu was kicking an ancient tree viciously at the moment.Fortunately, the tree is big enough and strong enough, otherwise it would have been kicked to pieces by this golden elixir Dzogchen cultivator.

Moxiu also noticed other people's gazes, and instantly smiled a little on his face: "Youbing, it's you!"

 Suck, I want to eat pancakes.

(End of this chapter)

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