Chapter 1487 The Antidote
Now that the source of the poisonous powder that can drive monsters crazy has been extracted, Luo An'an will also start to develop an antidote.

However, An Baobao is not so bad-hearted. When the monsters regain their consciousness, the brain injuries will also recover, so as long as the monsters are not so vicious, it will be fine.As for the mind damaged by the poison...don't care!

An Baobao no longer leaves the space because she is addicted to researching the antidote.And Mo Jiuxiao took advantage of this time to get a thorough understanding of the military defense arrangement of the dark city.

As a result, since it was both unexpected and within expectations, the number of Demon Cultivators in Dark City was almost equal to half of the number of An Luomen.

The previous rumors that many demon cultivators died in battle in the dark city were all lies. In fact, not only did those people not die, but they were still living well in the dark, waiting for the dark city lord to break through and rebel.

"Those people still haven't moved?"

After patrolling the mountain today, Mo Jiuxiao was called over by the demon cultivator for questioning as usual.

Mo Jiuxiao shook his head, but there were dark waves in his downcast eyes.

"It shouldn't be!" The devil stood up and walked back and forth twice, with a cautious expression on his face: "The spies inside the door said that the door owner has already noticed something is wrong here, and it is impossible to do nothing! There must be some of these people The door master's eyeliner!"

"Adults don't need to worry, they can't find out our secret."

Moxiu gave Mo Jiuxiao a blank look, and said with contempt in his tone, "Idiot, wouldn't it be better if we could catch the spies sooner? My lord, the breakthrough is imminent, and we must ensure everything is safe!"

Mo Jiuxiao lowered his head and replied lightly: "Yes."

"Okay, keep staring at those people for me! Go back!" Moxiu looked at Mo Jiuxiao irritably, and rushed away impatiently.

Not long after Mo Jiuxiao left the stone castle, he ran into several demon cultivators head-on.

"Hey, Youbing, let's go drink together!" Zhao Moxiu greeted him enthusiastically when he saw him with sharp eyes.

The other person patted Zhao Moxiu, and said in a strange way: "What are you calling me, he is a deacon now, how can we care about the bad wine we drink when we are leisurely and happy every day?"

The rest of them didn't speak, but they obviously didn't want to see Mo Jiuxiao.Why, since they came here, they have been exhausted from patrolling the mountains every day, but this kid only needs to supervise their work, which is called a relaxed and at ease.Damn, they all came together, but now——

Who would feel comfortable putting this kind of thing on him!
Zhao Moxiu came to his senses, scratched his head and laughed awkwardly, not knowing what to say.

Mo Jiuxiao was silent for a long time. Just when everyone thought he was angry, he suddenly raised his head and said with a faint smile, "If that's the case, then let's go. The drink that Brother Zhao owes me can just be offset."

Everyone was taken aback, as if they didn't expect him to react like this.But right now, it's not easy to refuse to make too much trouble, so I had to take him with me awkwardly.

Mo Jiuxiao quietly observed the faces of other people along the way, but found that everyone's attitudes had calmed down, and nothing could be seen anymore.Since Zhao Moxiu occasionally smiled apologetically at him, as if he was very embarrassed.

A bunch of clowns!
Mo Jiuxiao curled his lips into a smile in his heart, he had already guessed who the spies among this group of people were.Drinking is just for him to leak a little news.

The cultivation bases of several people are not low, and the wine they drink is naturally not really bad wine.The liquor store is also the best place for men to establish friendship. Mo Jiuxiao's "bold" wine really won him a lot of favorability.

But in Mo Jiuxiao's memory, Youbing was a person who could not drink easily and got drunk easily.

(End of this chapter)

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