Chapter 1496 Dark City Lord
"What to do, what to do now!"

The magician was running around in a hurry, and was at a loss when encountering a big event.Mo Jiuxiao saw that his heart was tired, so he reminded: "My lord, why don't you tell the city owner the news first?"

"But the city lord is retreating at the moment... why bother?"

Mo Jiuxiao really wanted to stab this confused thing to death with a sword, he was so anxious that he couldn't offend the city lord!This is really fatal!

Therefore, Uncle Mo resisted the desire to beat someone and said slowly: "But if you don't say it now, I'm afraid your lord will blame him even more. At this moment, you can still think of a remedy. You can't just wait for the sect master to come over in person, right? "

After being persuaded by Mo Jiuxiao, the demon cultivator finally found his backbone and left with a heavy face.Mo Jiuxiao also quietly followed.

At this time, the matter is of great importance, even if the dark city lord who was disturbed by the retreat gets angry again, he has to leave the retreat temporarily.

This was the first time Mo Jiuxiao met the Lord of the Dark City.

But what was surprising was that not only was the Dark City Lord not as capable as he had imagined, but he was also a fat man!

No matter how gloomy his expression is, no matter how sophisticated his scheming is, it won't change the fact that he is a fat man who weighs more than 400 pounds and wears earth-colored silk and satin!

Mo Jiuxiao felt that he should have a common language with Niu Zong, the young master of Huaxu Sect, that fat man.

"The news has been exposed?" the Lord of the Dark City asked in a dangerous voice.

If it wasn't for the twitching of the fat on his stomach, this scene must have been extremely serious.

The person who answered had to bite the bullet and say "yes".

As a result, in the next second, the person who had just vented his anger died in front of Mo Jiuxiao, covered in blood, even though the death was extremely painful, he didn't even utter a cry of pain.Moreover, the corpse will rot, but within a few breaths, it will turn into thick water.

"It's not good to do things." The fat man wiped his hands casually, and the flesh on his body also trembled.

Luo Anan froze nervously in the space, what a ruthless fat man, he practiced poisonous kung fu!
There are many insects in Xizhou, so the magic cultivator who has some good things naturally delved into raising Gu.But it's rare to see someone like the one in front of him who can be ruthless and refine himself into a Gu!This person is completely a poisonous person!

Before Luo An'an could react, the fat man squinted his eyes and looked at Mo Jiuxiao: "You discovered the spy?"

Youbing's small body was shaking like a sieve in fright at this moment: "Yes, yes."

That fat man didn't kill any more, but he just held his forehead with a slight headache: "What should I do now, the old woman noticed it."

After a long silence, the fear in Youbing's heart became heavier and heavier, but the fear also brought him some courage.In the end, as if he had made a decision, he gritted his teeth and cupped his hands: "My lord, it's not that there is no remedy! This incident may also be an opportunity for us!"

"Oh, what do you think?" The fat man became slightly interested.

"My subordinates have the courage to speak out, and I ask the city lord to be clear. Although our plan has been known by the inside of the door, the person who leaked the secret has not been caught yet, so they have also been exposed as far as we are concerned."

"Well, you go on."

"So the subordinates thought that it is absolutely impossible for the sect master to let the dark city ignore the matter now, and he will definitely come to deal with it in person. Before that, we will pretend not to know, but we can secretly set a trap and wait for the sect master to arrive! At that time... ...My lord may be able to become the sect master earlier!"

"You mean... why don't you take this opportunity to set up a trick so that the sect master will never return?" the fat man asked suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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