Chapter 1498
An Baobao gritted his teeth viciously and said, "He dared to play a trick on you, so I'll use him to test the medicine!"

Mo Jiuxiao thought of something interesting, and a smile appeared on his pale face: "Take him to test the medicine, Luo Luo is not afraid to try it out..."

Thinking of this scene, An Baobao shivered suddenly: "It's disgusting, stop talking about Jiuqing."

That fat man was trembling with fat all over his body, and he knew how much oil and water there was in it without even thinking about it.

"I don't care, I'm going to torture that fat man!" Thinking of this, Luo Anan immediately took out the "Toxic Poison" that he hadn't read much from the space, and devoted himself to studying it.

Mo Jiuxiao silently stopped talking, because the expression on his own fox's face when he was reading a book was really scary.The key is that the little thing gave out a weird and sinister smile while watching. In short, that fat man is over!
After sitting quietly for a while, Mo Jiuxiao got up and planned to find Zhao Moxiu.

"Hey, take a break!" Luo Anan called to stop him, looking worriedly at the barely rosy face of the excrement shovel officer.

Mo Jiuxiao shook his head, and said in a sharp tone: "If you don't go out again, that fat man should suspect that I'm also an undercover agent. Don't worry, Luo Luo, I'm fine."

"I'll go with you." Luo An'an put the book into the space, turned into an invisible fox, and jumped onto the shoulder of the excrement shovel officer, while also firmly grasping the excrement shovel officer's clothes with his paws.

One person and one fox continued to patrol the mountain pretending nothing happened.

Thinking that it was almost time for Zhao Moxiu to return from his mountain tour, Mo Jiuxiao deliberately stood at the place he must pass on his return journey.

"Brother Youbing!" Zhao Moxiu shouted affectionately, and walked in front of Mo Jiuxiao in three steps and two steps, becoming more and more male Bailian's temperament.

"Brother Zhao." Youbing's expression was happy at first, but in the next second, he suddenly became distressed, and he let out a long sigh: "Oh——"

Zhao Moxiu naturally wanted to ask: "What's the matter, why did he suddenly sigh? If there is any difficulty, tell me and I will analyze it for you."

Youbing forced a smile, looked at the mud under Zhao Moxiu's feet and said, "Brother Zhao went to look for Lingzhi again?"

"Yeah." Speaking of this, Zhao Moxiu couldn't control his temper and began to curse: "I should give up my mother's heart early, and I still didn't find anything after this trip, so I dare not break through!"

"Oh, I'm also worried in my heart. I always feel uneasy and flustered." Youbing let out a sigh, and sat down on a place with arms around Zhao Moxiu's shoulders: "To tell you the truth, it stands to reason that our big event will come true. In my heart I should be happy. But somehow I feel flustered, so I want to talk to you."

"What's the matter, didn't you say we..." Zhao Moxiu's voice stopped abruptly when he said this, and after carefully looking around, he whispered: "Didn't you say two days ago that we are going to be prosperous?" ? Could it be that the adult had a problem with his breakthrough?"

"Bah bah bah, don't talk nonsense, my lord can't be better!" Youbing hastily spit out bad words twice, and then said: "It's because I don't know the bottom of my heart, and I always feel up and down. Hey you Are you saying something bad is about to happen?"

Zhao Moxiu's pupils shrank suddenly, but soon he returned to his usual silly smile: "How is it possible, what could happen out of nowhere? Are you overwhelmed?"

"That's right." Youbing lowered her eyes slightly, and turned to be happy: "I was overthinking, my lord is sure to break through, how could there be an accident!"

"As long as the sect master doesn't know about this, it's absolutely safe!"

The two chatted for a few more words, and Mo Jiuxiao intentionally or unintentionally lowered Zhao Moxiu's vigilance, deliberately saying that the military defense in the city is actually weak, and it all depends on the city lord's high level of protection.It would be troublesome if something happened.

(End of this chapter)

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