Chapter 1711 Being Tracked

Mei finished speaking lightly, and then said coldly: "Don't make plans with that dragon. Although I am proud, I still know how much I have. That dragon seems to be a supreme treasure, but in fact it is a life-threatening symbol."

"It's fine if Mo Jiuxiao doesn't ascend to the upper realm, but if he ascends to the upper realm and is discovered that he has contracted Shenlong as a servant, Mo Jiuxiao will definitely be hunted down by the dragon clan to death!" Said Mei's voice fiercely.

"Now we just watch the show, maybe in the end, the dragon will return to the seat after going around around?"

Lan Yu's voice paused, and finally agreed: "...Yes, I understand."

Mei ignored him, and went straight out of the cave to look at the distant sea.But it didn't take long for her to realize something was wrong. Why did several people come up from the bottom of the sea one after another?
Mei's eyes narrowed slightly, and then a deep hatred burst out of her eyes, she gritted her teeth and said, "Luo An'an, Mo Jiuxiao!!!"

Seeing that those people were about to leave, Mei immediately ordered Lan Yu: "Follow them quickly, don't startle them!"

Over there, in order to take care of Yueliu, Luo An'an and the others deliberately set the speed at full speed, so they gave Lan Yu an opportunity.

Just when he was halfway on the way, Lin Lang suddenly sounded the alarm: "Master, someone is following you!"

Luo Anan paused, then resumed the speed just now: "Who is it?"

"It seems to be the disciple of Yu Miaozong who once wanted to harm you. What is his name, Lan?" Lin Lang's little loli clutched her head, unable to remember his name.

"Lan?" Luo Anan read the word lightly, his mind was like a computer version running at high speed, thinking about what happened in the Rabbit Secret Realm.

"Is it Lan Yu!" An Baobao spit out this sentence softly, his eyes were so cold that it could freeze people to death.

Lan Yu, he was the one who secretly poisoned the checkpoint in the cave, and almost killed his disciples.

I didn't expect that he was not dead yet!
Zhuzhi also interjected at this moment: "Lan Yu, isn't that the monk who exposed Master Mo's identity?"


Everyone in the space suddenly turned their heads to look at Zhuzhi. The sense of horror was no less than that of a garden full of sunflowers revolving around the sun, shaking their heads suddenly, so frightened that Zhuzhi almost sat there.

"Hehehe, I actually forgot about this one." An Baobao said in a sinister and bloodthirsty voice: "It seems to be an old enemy, Lan Yu, what a damn name!"

Yueliu Baozhun, who had been walking behind Luo Anan, also heard what Luo Anan said in his mind. The two looked at each other and said, "Master, do you want us to kill him now?"

"No need." Luo Anan's tone couldn't be more bland, the speed under her feet remained unabated, and there was a breeze everywhere she passed.

"I want to play, die, him myself!"


"Huh——, I finally got rid of those three people. I didn't expect that feathered snake would come out halfway." Xingluan wiped the sweat from his forehead sullenly, stood up and bowed to Lingyue: "Thank you, Lingyue." The bigger the people, the more people help."

"We're all on our own, there's no need to be polite." Lingyue stood up, this amount of exercise was nothing to him. "Have a good rest, let's go find the master."

"Then let's go." Although Xingluan's spiritual power was almost exhausted, he still complained about everything.Ling Yue looked up at him, grabbed the other party's collar and flew up quickly.

At this time, under Luo An'an's deliberate guidance, Lan Yu stepped into the trap step by step.

Needless to say what was waiting for him.

(End of this chapter)

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