Chapter 189 Fire Control
Jinhao Immortal Venerable didn't say anything, but just showed himself what a great god is.

Immortal Jin Hao couldn't control the fire, so he used the ice technique to demonstrate to Luo An'an.I saw the Great Immortal Venerable stretching out a jade hand, and a faint, almost invisible icy breath floated from it.Immortal Jin Hao controlled the icy breath and twisted it into the shape of a flower.Under Luo An'an's stunned eyes again, this icy breath twisted into the appearance of Qinglin Palace again.

Even for such a thin trace of ice breath, the proportion of every part of it is exactly the same as that of Qinglin Hall!
Just as Luo An'an was admiringly throwing herself to the ground, hundreds of identical ice breaths appeared in the hands of Jin Hao Immortal Venerable, and then transformed into hundreds of main peaks of Tianmen Sect.

Luo Anan instantly wanted to swear, this is really a master.In the future, don't tell her what a sculptor is. In terms of strength, she only obeys the master!

Then, these hundreds of strands of ice condensed into an ice bead the size of a grain of rice, and then rapidly scattered into those hundreds of strands of ice again.Immortal Jin Hao flicked his finger, and hundreds of strands of ice breath flew out of the alchemy room and smashed hundreds of ice-carved trees on Qinglin Peak.

An Baobao swallowed his saliva looking at the trees that had been crushed into ice foam. This attack power...was too strong!

Immortal Jin Hao waved his hand, and the trees that had been smashed into foam instantly returned to their original shape.

Luo An'an heard Jin Hao Xianzun's faint voice: "If you can control the fire to this extent, then you are qualified."

An Baobao was almost frightened to death by the words of the Immortal Venerable, this... how is it possible!The fellow villagers didn't do this at the beginning, and the baby really can't do it~
Unexpectedly, Xianzun then said: "There is no need to rush, it will be almost done after a few decades of practice."

Luo Anan wanted to die in an instant. Master, you have been so amazing and beautiful for decades, so how many years do you think you, an idiot, will take?
Lin Lang's little loli cheered Luo An'an at this time: "Master, don't be afraid, the talent is not enough, let's make room for it!"

Luo Anan cried in her heart and ate her claws: But the baby still feels unhappy!
Luo Anan poked her head and asked Jinhao Xianzun cautiously: "Master, do you want Jiuqing to practice this in the future?"

Jinhao Immortal Venerable was expressionless: "Of course, he can use Lei Linggen to practice this now, the same reason."

Luo Anan: For some reason, my mood suddenly improved a lot~(*^▽^*)
"Okay, you can contact here first, remember, if your robe appears a little black, the words practiced today will be doubled." Jinhao Immortal Venerable slowly turned and left: "If you don't understand, come again Ask Qinglin Palace to be your teacher."

It was only then that Luo An'an realized that every instruction from the master is a bottomless pit!
Her robe today is really white, if there is a little black, it will be very obvious.Luomi Tuanzi looked at his little white clothes, wanting to cry but not crying.

Soon Luo Anan knew that she was thinking too much, because she couldn't melt such a thin strand of fire at all!

Whenever the flame was still of a certain thickness, it was accidentally extinguished by Luo An'an.

No matter how careful Luo Anan was, she couldn't keep the flames in the form of filaments.

Lin Lang couldn't bear to look at Luo An'an's failures again and again, so she had to remind the master to use mental power to control the flames step by step, not to challenge such a difficult challenge at the beginning.

That's right, for Immortal Jin Hao, controlling the filament-like ice technique is the foundation, but for Luo An'an, this is a step up to the sky.

An Baobao mourned for his IQ for three seconds!
Luo Anan then used his mental power to wrap a finger-thick flame, controlling its careful changes.

As a result, the flame went out while it was bending.

Luo Anan was not discouraged, another ray of flame rose from the little fat claw.

 Thank you "Mo Bing (vampire)" baby for the 1888 book coin, thank you baby, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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