Chapter 2418 Big Wedding (VIII)

"Yeah, I heard that he's a bit older than my mother's mother." An Baobao graciously pinched the shit-shoveling officer's shoulders with his paws while talking. "It is said that the demon lord helped him with something, so in order to repay his kindness, he willingly became the demon lord's servant."

After finishing speaking, a certain one spread its paws a little tired and lay down on the shit shovel officer's head: "It's a pity for the queen mother, it is said that this Yingsha's ability is quite high."

"High ability?" Mo Jiuxiao shook his head slightly, "I didn't see it."

"Then let's go see him again, by the way, won't Ying Sha's cultivation be abolished by you?"

"I have the intention to use him, so why waste his cultivation." Uncle Mo flipped the fox that was hanging on his head into his arms, and then limped into a darker and colder cell.

In the prison cell, a big purple fox covered in dirt was lying on the ground with its eyes closed. Its four paws were tightly bound by chains, and it was difficult to move.

"What a big purple fox!" A certain one was a little stunned. The volume of this kind of fox almost occupied half the size of the prison cell. grow so big.

The big fox looks much more majestic than the little fox!

Seeing His Highness Mo coming in with a fox in his arms, the Prison Demon who had been guarding Yingsha retreated out immediately after receiving Mo Jiuxiao's signal.A certain one nimbly jumped from the excrement shoveler to the high chain that was fastened to the side, and looked down at Yingsha.

"Wake up, this princess knows you can hear." An Baobao shouted in the language of the fox clan.

Hearing this, the purple fox's originally closed eyes moved slightly, and then the eyelashes opened their eyes like a butterfly spreading its wings.

"Mr. Yingsha, I greet you on behalf of the queen mother."

Because of the shackles of the chains, Ying Sha had no choice but to continue lying on the ground.He smiled lightly: "It's really pitiful. I didn't expect my most embarrassing appearance to be seen by the fox people."

"Sir, you should be thankful that you are also a member of the fox clan, otherwise you would be dead at this moment." Mo Jiuxiao said indifferently.

Hearing Mo Jiuxiao's voice, Yingsha raised his eyes and looked up: "Speaking of which, I would like to congratulate my little highness for being crowned the Great Treasure of the Demon Realm. It is said that the tiger father has no dogs, and now it seems to be true. Your highness can even count on me. You can play with everyone in such a calm manner... Yingsha really admires it."

Hearing this, Luo An'an smiled expressionlessly: "Mr.'s words are unreasonable. What do you mean playing in the palm of your hand? My family Jiuqing really hurt a lot of brains because of this batch of useless firewood. Of course, all of this is also due to Mister. If Mr. hadn’t been behind the scenes, I don’t think there is any way for the Demon Lord to manage the Demon Realm safely for so many years, right?”

"The little princess thinks too highly of Yingsha." Yingsha smiled lowly, "I just do my best and obey the destiny. Compared with your highness, hehe, it's far worse."

"Okay, let's stop talking so much." Luo Anan didn't want to talk nonsense, and said straight to the point: "Sir, I just ask you one question. Would you like to follow me back to the demon world, or stay in the demon world to assist my family?" Jiuqing?"

Yingsha casually licked his paws: "The demon world is full of talented people. Even if I am far away in the demon world, I have heard of many great names. I don't think I will be needed in the demon world."

"As for Your Highness..." Ying Sha raised his head and stammered: "Your Highness's schemes are far superior to mine, Ying Sha feels ashamed and dare not stay by His Highness's side to make a fool of himself."

Luo Anan sneered coldly: "So, sir, is he willing to follow the savior to die? I didn't know that the devil was so kind to sir, and it wouldn't be enough for you to advise him for ten thousand years!!! Leaving home hastily, have you ever thought about the feelings of your family members? Do you think they don't miss you? To put it bluntly, if it weren't for the sake of your husband being a member of the Fox clan, the Demon Realm would have been taken down by my father long ago! It is enough for the Demon Lord to enjoy himself safely for so many years!"

After being told by Luo An'an, Ying Sha fell silent.

However, An Baobao still looked at him coldly: "How much do you have to pay for a demon lord? Don't forget, the demon lord only saved you once. And Mr. Fox Clan's cultivation of you, Mr., can be said to have saved Mr. Thousands of times! Could it be that Mister only remembers the kindness of others in his heart, but he takes everything that his relatives do for granted?"

"If this is the case, then today I will act as if this princess has never been here before!"

Mo Jiuxiao looked coldly at the fox's words that hit Yingsha's sore spot, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up slightly: "...Forget it Lolo, although Mr. followed the devil, he never designed to destroy my father. I won't kill him Yes. Let him fend for himself in the cell for the rest of his life. Mother-in-law is up to me."

However, Baobao An glared at Mo Jiuxiao after hearing these words, and said dissatisfiedly: "What's your name, mother-in-law, how unfamiliar! We are almost married, can't you call me queen mother?"

Mo Jiuxiao was delighted in his heart, and said with a smile: "Yes, it's time to change the name to mother queen."

One person and one fox began to fight affectionately again, completely forgetting that they were in a prison cell at the moment, and seemed to forget that there was a shadow beside them.

Suddenly, Yingsha said coldly: "... If I can submit to my little highness, can my little highness spare the life of the demon lord?"

Mo Jiuxiao and Luo An'an's playful actions stopped instantly, and the two looked at each other, and immediately reached a consensus: "It's natural, he is my father's father no matter what, I won't take the initiative to kill him." But if He couldn't make it by himself, so he couldn't blame others!
However, Yingsha still didn't agree, just bowed his head and said: "Your Highness, please allow me to think about it for a few more days."

"Yes." Mo Jiuxiao agreed, but did not forget to say: "Just to remind sir, my patience is limited."

After speaking, Mo Jiuxiao hugged his own fox and left the cell without looking back.


After walking a long distance, a certain one wagged its tail and said, "Yingsha really doesn't look like us fox people. It looks smart, but it's actually not stupid."

"Not as smart as our Luoluo." Mo Jiuxiao smacked a fox at the right time.

"Hmph, this is natural." After speaking, Luo Anan jumped off the excrement shoveler and turned into a human form, and the delicate and slim beauty naturally appeared in front of Mo Jiuxiao again.

After finishing business, it's time for Uncle Mo to accompany Luo An'an to eat, drink and have fun.Life in the devil world has really become more and more extravagant these years, and the devils here have everything to eat, drink, prostitute and gamble.Especially the casinos in the Demon Realm are simply famous in the Six Realms.

There are many fairies, gods, ghosts and monsters who like to gamble for a few games, and what's more, they stay in the casino for hundreds of years.

Gambling workshops have always been the place where the most money comes in, so the devil world that has opened so many gambling workshops has gradually become rich.

(End of this chapter)

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