Chapter 2449

In an instant, the sky dimmed, and the situation in the six worlds changed! ! !

Luo Anan seemed to be reacting for a long time before finding his own voice, turned around in a hurry and said: "Impossible..., brother, don't lie to me, how could this be possible. Sishen, who has never been in charge of attributes, how can he become a god?" !"

The Lord God said slowly, "I don't want to believe it either, but the facts are like this: the nine-tailed fox born of chaos, the only son of a god and demon in the world, actually gave birth to a fair and righteous demon..."

"An'an, you know, with it, we no longer have to worry about the birth of a son of gods and demons that will disrupt the balance of righteousness and demons in the world, causing the six realms to return to chaos." Speaking of this, the tone of the main god was a little uneasy.

"……so what?"

Luo Anan's voice was extremely dry and hoarse, and the eyes of Shui Lingling were bloodshot at the moment, and she cried and looked at the Lord God: "It should kill Jiuqing, and get rid of my own father first for my own birth!!! Just because Jiuqing is the son of gods and demons, the biggest factor that disrupts the balance of the six realms, Sishen should bring the six realms back to normal!!!”

The Lord God turned his face away gently: "An' are angry. This child is just because of his nature, and he doesn't know what he has done."

"Ah——!!!!" Luo Anan knelt on the ground covering her head, crying loudly: "Jiuqing is dead, I thought I would never suffer from any pain anymore!!! But I was wrong Oh, what is this today, it makes me a thousand times more painful than Jiuqing's death! Ten thousand times!!!"

The Lord God was distressed and wanted to help Luo An'an: "An'an, don't be like this..."

But Luo An'an softened his body all of a sudden, and directly changed back to the prototype of a fox. It was a very thin nine-tailed fox, so thin that one could see the bones under its fur.

"Who is wrong? Anyone in this world can kill Mo Jiuxiao, why is it this child!!!" The fox was crying and coughed up several bright red blood beads.

Luo Anan is bleeding...

The Lord God panicked, and immediately sent his own power of chaos to Luo An'an, but was severely knocked off by Luo An'an with a wave of his claws.

"Don't save me." The little fox's head suddenly evoked an evil smile, his eyes were indifferent: "I should have gone to accompany Jiuqing a long time ago, this child is not innocent, just follow me let's go."

Such Luo Anan, such words, are really scary.Then the Lord God ignored her at all, and just said coldly: "If you want to be crazy, you have to wake me up before you go crazy, die? You can see if you will die or not."

"Hehehe." The smile on the corner of Luo An'an's lips became very cold, and his words were also very cruel and mean: "Lord God, you are really cruel. For a Sishen, for the convenience of the Six Realms, you actually hid so much from me. Hahaha, God of Pregnancy, if I knew that Jiuqing was killed by him, I would never let him live!!!"

The Lord God didn't hear the sarcasm in Luo An'an's words at all, and just said indifferently: "You figure out one thing, it first became the child of you and Mo Jiuxiao, and then became the Sishen. As for me hiding it from say That's right, brother is cruel, even for the sake of the Six Realms, Si Shen can't die!"

Luo An'an's words were purely offended by Luo An'an, but Luo An'an took it seriously.It turned the fox's head and smiled coldly: "You are the main god, who can resist you! But my life and death, what you say doesn't count!"

While delivering the power of chaos to Luo An'an, the Lord God said lightly: "Then what do you want to do, An'an, kill you and Mo Jiuxiao's child with your own hands?"

"No, it's not my child! It's the sinner who killed Jiuqing!!!" The held fox suddenly cried out in pain.

"...An'an, this child can hear everything you said, and it will be very sad." The Lord God shook his head lightly, "Don't forget that it just protected you today, and it has always been innocent."

"But Jiuqing is not innocent!" The fox asked the person in front of him tearfully, his heart seemed to be broken into pieces: "For righteousness...Jiuqing has already sacrificed twice!!! Brother, how can you be so selfish How can people in this world be so selfish!!! Who will remember what Jiuqing did, who will care!"

"You killed my Jiuqing, but you didn't allow me to do anything for him! How can you be so cruel!"

Hearing this, the Lord God was completely silent.

At this moment, the sound of light footsteps came from outside the main temple, and the figure of Immortal Jin Hao suddenly appeared in this space.He went straight to pick up the fox, and sighed: "An'an, my teacher..."

The Lord God was slightly taken aback, as if he couldn't think of it: "You..."

Seeing the visitor, Luo Anan finally burst out all her grievances in an instant, she could hardly breathe from crying: "Master!!! Jiuqing is dead, he is dead!!! Master, apprentice What should I do, what should my disciple do!!! Please teach me, Master! Disciple doesn’t want to live anymore, disciple really can’t live anymore.”

Tears, snot, and blood stained Immortal Jinhao's snow-white robe, but this time Immortal Jinhao never disliked him. He had never held a fox so tenderly before, and his words carried a calming power: " An An, my teacher thought that from the moment you and Jiu Xiao set foot on the fairy road, you were ready to die at any time."

"I know, I know, I know!!!" The fox shook his head indiscriminately, his hair was wet with tears, and his crying was still so heartbreaking: "But Master, why didn't I die but Jiuqing!!! I am willing to die for him, I hope he can live a good life! But I killed him, I gave birth to the child who killed him, Master! Master, It's all my fault!!! I'm not Jiuqing's lucky star, I'm his disaster, if it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have to die again and again!!! It's all because of me!!!"

Jin Hao Xianzun wiped Luo An'an's tears with his hands, and finally uttered a sentence: "Because Jiuxiao is reluctant to part with An'an. An'an, all of this is his own choice, it has nothing to do with you, and it has nothing to do with this child."

"Jiu Xiao loves you, and loves this child as well." Jinhao Xianzun said softly: "...An An, if you really want to kill this child today, as a teacher, you will never stop you, but you think Will Jiu Xiao appreciate you for doing this?"

Seeing Luo An'an's tears suddenly stop for a moment, Jin Hao Immortal Venerable slowly but firmly asserted: "An'an, you will regret doing this."

"I don't regret it!" Luo Anan suddenly resisted and covered her ears, gritted her teeth and said in tears, "I won't regret it, this child...doesn't deserve to be my and Jiuqing's child!"

After the words fell, Luo Anan's stomach suddenly throbbed.A sense of sadness suddenly came to her heart, and she felt the same.

The fox's movements stopped instantly... Is this the child's emotion?
 Mo Jiuxiao's death is not a real abuse, it's really painful when one's own child kills one's lover!

  Poor baby Ann...

(End of this chapter)

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