Chapter 2458
Seeing that Concubine Xue Gui didn't make a move for a long time, An Baobao yawned and poked the shit shovel officer: "It seems that you are not a good devil emperor, and no one listens to what you say."

This sentence that deliberately added fuel to the fire caused the Devil Emperor to explode: "Don't fight? Alright, abolish her as a noble concubine and throw her out of the Devil Palace!"

Hearing this, Concubine Xue raised her head abruptly, and immediately slapped her face fiercely, crying and begging: "The Emperor doesn't want it, I hit it, I hit it, don't drive my concubine away."

However, the Devil Emperor remained unmoved, waved his hand and said to Gong Mo, "Pull it out."

In the end, no matter how much Concubine Xue cried, she was thrown out of the Demon Palace by the palace demons mercilessly.And the fact that Luo An'an solved a noble concubine with just one sentence was also spread in the Demon Palace, which made other demon concubines fearful.

The originally silent inner hall could hear a needle drop, all the concubines were in danger, and all of them lowered their heads.

At this time, An Baobao smiled faintly: "Didn't you all say that you want to see me, but what's the matter?"

The devil emperor looked at the silent appearance of the first group of women, and couldn't help but admire in his heart: she really deserves to be the woman he likes, and she really has the demeanor of a devil queen.

"Since there is nothing wrong, let me tell you what I think..." A certain dog looked at them blankly, "The life in the palace is not easy, those who want to leave the palace can leave now. Those who don't leave now... It will probably go out sideways in the future.”

There was a blatant threat, but no one dared to say anything.

The Devil Emperor frowned slightly: "You want to drive them away?"

An Baobao glanced at the excrement shovel officer with a murderous look, and smiled: "Can't you?"

"...of course."

The Demon Emperor pondered a few times, and said: "It just so happens that Gu doesn't need so many women, come here, pass on Gu's oral instructions, and the concubines who want to leave the Demon Palace can leave now."

Concubine Li suddenly knelt on the ground and begged in a tender voice: "The emperor doesn't want it, our sisters have been sealed in the Demon Palace for so many years, now where can we go after leaving the palace! The concubine doesn't want to leave."

The Devil Emperor glanced at her indifferently, and said coldly: "Are you deaf? Gu just said that those who want to leave can leave."

At this moment, Concubine Li muttered and stopped talking. Baby An sat watching the scene, and suddenly said, "Auntie, you are tens of thousands of times older than me, why don't you pretend to be a little girl in front of me? After all For women, age is very important, right? I hate it when people who are older than me pretend to be young in front of me, don't you feel ashamed?"

"That's right," the Devil Emperor chimed in, "Either talk well, or don't talk, and pretend to be disgusting."

After finishing speaking, the Devil Emperor flattered An Baobao and said, "Gu is reborn, but he is not that old, and he just matches you."

"You mean they are all old women?" An Baobao raised an eyebrow and looked at the shit-shoveling officer.

The devil emperor also reacted at this time: "That's right, they are all old women, how can they be assigned to Gu Concubine!"

Concubine Shu Gui, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke up: "The emperor, the concubine and others have been sealed for tens of thousands of years, and it is really not what we want."

"Then what do you mean... I deserve to be wronged and accepted you all by myself?!"

Even if he was reborn, Uncle Mo's poisonous tongue knife would still hurt more than every stab.An Baobao almost couldn't help laughing out loud, hahahaha, the shit-shoveling officer is as good as he used to be!

Concubine Shu Gui's face changed when she was stunned, and then she forced a smile: "Why, since the emperor doesn't like it, I'll go back first. This... Mrs. is just young, so she will serve the emperor instead of a concubine. Respect."

"Tsk tsk tsk, listen to this, substitute." A certain one pinched the shit shovel officer's face, "Lord Devil Emperor, am I someone else's substitute?"

"Of course not." The devil emperor, whose face was pinched, said seriously, "You are unique, the most special woman I have ever seen."

Nonsense, this is the first woman he has ever seen who is pregnant and dares to ask him for a second place. Isn't it special!It is estimated that this is the only one that has been searched in the six realms.

After these words, all the magic concubines felt extremely miserable.Why is this little fairy's morality so high?One sentence instantly killed Concubine Xue Gui, and another sentence almost killed all of them instantly!

Can't be bothered.

Seeing that these women left consciously, a certain one hummed twice in his heart: If you dare to rob a man with your old lady, you don't want to see if you are superhuman.

And this bastard shit-shoveling officer, if he hadn't lost his memory, wouldn't she need to come in person to deal with a rival in love! ! !

At this time, the little bastard in her stomach was also showing her presence, causing her stomach to throb again.

A pair of bastard father and son, no one can worry about it.


"How to do how to do!!!"

Concubine Li changed her appearance as a well-behaved little girl before, and slammed the good jade bottle beside her, gritting her teeth: "Could it be that that woman is allowed to drive us out of the Demon Palace one by one! Our innocence has been sealed for so many years , just to become Emperor Zun's woman! What is this now! You guys are talking!"

"What are you talking about?" Concubine Xiao plucked her bright red nails, and said with disdain: "She will destroy Concubine Xue with just one word, if sister Shu is not smart, we will all be kicked out by her words. I also want to fight her, but you can also see that the gap is too big."

Hearing this, Concubine Li sat down frustrated: "Although that woman is prettier than us, we are not much worse! And she doesn't look like a person with a lot of means, she can actually force us to This level!"

It is rare for the three noble concubines to gather together calmly. Concubine Shu squeezed her handkerchief tightly, opened her eyes and said indifferently: "It's not that she has means, but that Emperor Zun is willing to listen to her. Even if she doesn't say a word today, for the sake of this woman , Emperor Zun will not be too polite to us. No matter how beautiful or smart we are, if we can't catch Emperor Zun's heart, everything is useless."

"Sister Shu can see clearly." Xiao Guifei pursed her lips and said, "The key lies in Emperor Zun."

"Oh, Emperor Zun, it's been so long, I don't even know what Emperor Zun looks like!" Concubine Li angrily said, "Let that woman go on rampant, how is our life different from when we were sealed? You two Don’t you think you’re smart, so come up with a way!”

Concubine Shu Gui nodded slightly, and then said softly: "The most urgent thing is to let Emperor Zun's eyes move away from that woman, whether it's on us, or on other women, after all... you can't let it go." That woman is so proud."

"Yes." Concubine Xiao raised her eyes and smiled lightly, "You and I are not like Concubine Xue's kind of rootless duckweed, we should ask the family to help."

(End of this chapter)

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