Chapter 2462 The Monkey Show
At that time, An Baobao was leisurely admiring the ice-blue wintersweet flowers planted by the Demon Palace in the garden.I am used to seeing red, white, and yellow wintersweet flowers, but I saw ice blue ones for the first time, and they are quite beautiful.

Just thinking about it, the originally quiet wintersweet garden suddenly flooded with many beautifully dressed concubines, and the original beautiful scene was immediately destroyed.

A certain one glanced at those people, wondering, don't these women usually hide when they see them?Why did you send it up by yourself today?
Those women were frolicking and pointing at the scenery in the garden. The noise broke Luo An'an's originally peaceful heart.

A certain fox clenched its fist and suddenly felt itchy.

At the end, Concubine Li and Concubine Xiao walked in slowly, dragging their long skirts.They looked up at each other, and they all saw the same doubt: Didn't Concubine Shu ask them to come?
Why did they come, but they couldn't see each other's people.

At this time, all the concubines deliberately ignored Luo An'an.After all, you are here, but whether you dare to talk to her is another matter.

An Baobao watched them all with erratic eyes and contrived manners. This was the prelude to a conspiracy!
While everyone was waiting, Concubine Shu finally arrived late.

She was dressed in a simple and elegant way, all in white, but this also highlighted the black food box she was holding in her hand.

"Oh, Concubine Shu has finally arrived. You are so old..." Concubine Xiao's eyes flashed a sneer, "Let us wait so long!"

Concubine Shu Gui smiled lightly: "No way, it's just that something happened on the way, so there was a temporary delay."

Concubine Li also saw what Concubine Shu wanted to do, so she continued, "Concubine Shu, why did you delay?"

Hearing this, Concubine Shu pursed her lips into a smile, lowered her head slightly to show a shy smile, shook the food box in her arms, and said softly: "It's this one."

"It's just a food box, at best it contains some snacks, what's so unusual." Concubine Xiao said disdainfully.

Concubine Shu lowered her head. Seeing this, Yinhuan, her maid, immediately stepped forward and said triumphantly, "Of course it's strange, Empress Xiao Guifei. This food box was taken out of Emperor Zun's palace, and even the snacks inside are Regal made it himself!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Seeing this, Yinhuan proudly opened the food box, and in an instant, the steaming milk-flavored dessert appeared in front of everyone.With just one click, Luo An'an could smell that this was the handiwork of a shit-shoveling officer, and his face turned cold.

Seeing this scene, Concubine Shu Gui, who had her head down, couldn't help but twitched her mouth: "Yinhuan, stop talking, lest people make people laugh."

How could Yinhuan shut up, she intentionally said loudly in the direction of Luo An'an: "Your Majesty, forgive me, Emperor Zun loves you so much, and this servant is happy for you after hearing that. Emperor Zun didn't talk back that day. The food tastes good, and eating is even more comfortable. Looking at it, it seems that I am willing to have more meals with the empress! Today's empress is more robbed than those who can't see the emperor all day long."

The last sentence alludes to many people, but the one who bears the brunt is Luo An'an who is sitting quietly on the other side of the plum garden.

Although a group of women were envious of such treatment, they all looked at Luo An'an with a spectacle after hearing these words.Although they are also within the range of Yinhuan's insinuation, but in comparison, the happy mood to see Luo An'an is much more distressed than the uncomfortable mood.

An Baobao gritted his teeth in his heart, and suddenly felt that he could find another father for the child.

Such a stupid bastard thing, don't let it go!
Seeing that her goal had been achieved, Concubine Shu covered her mouth and smiled slightly: "I wonder if you sisters can leave some space for me. I have a few private words I want to say to her."

This "she" naturally refers to Luo An'an.

Concubine Li snorted coldly as she passed by Concubine Shu, and said contemptuously, "I didn't see that, you still have the ability to make Emperor Zun cook for you."

Concubine Shu Gui lowered her head and smiled without saying a word. Seeing this, Concubine Xiao Gui also left angrily.

Not long after, the noisy plum garden became quiet again, and finally only Luo An'an and Concubine Shu were left.

After confirming that everyone had left, Concubine Shu walked up to Luo An'an holding the food box with a smile, with a smug smile on her face: "Admiring the scenery alone?"

The accent of the word "one person" is particularly heavy.

A certain monkey stretched out of boredom, and said indifferently: "Not only that, but also watched an interesting monkey show."

Hearing this, the smile on Concubine Shu Gui's face disappeared immediately.She squeezed the basket of the food box tightly, becoming more and more unwilling to return the things in her hand.

"I said..." Luo Anan suddenly turned around and looked at her jokingly, the words in his mouth were really merciless: "You have to have some face to be a human being, you have acted with my things for so long, now you should Come back now."

Concubine Shu's pupils shrank sharply, and finally, she slowly showed a stiff smile: "How do you know that I handed over this food box to you for Emperor Zun?"

"Otherwise?" An Baobao narrowed his eyes lazily, looked at the sun in the clear sky, and said in a casual and contemptuous tone: "The devil emperor will cook for you? Oh, I am more willing to believe that the devil emperor pretends to be shit."

"Don't go too far!" Concubine Shu said coldly, "One day, all these things will belong to me."

Luo Anan turned her head, looked at the distorted face that was no longer indifferent and smiled slightly: "If you are willing to deceive yourself like this, then I can't help it."

One sentence made Concubine Shu Gui so angry that the seven orifices were filled with smoke.

"I'll give it back to you!!!" Concubine Shu threw down the food box and turned angrily, "Yinhuan, let's go!"

"Wait a minute—"

Concubine Shu turned around and glared at her, but saw Luo An'an's foot move slightly. The next second, the food box was ruthlessly kicked over, and the pastries inside were scattered all over the floor, stained with dirt.

For a moment, Concubine Shu Gui couldn't tell what it was like.She thought in disbelief: This is made by Emperor Zun himself, how dare she...

"See it clearly?" Luo Anan tiptoed on a piece of snack that was still exuding sweetness, and finally tilted his head and showed a smirk that was beyond his life: "I throw away the things you can't ask for." I won't even give you..."

"You're crazy!!!" Now Concubine Shu felt even more sour, she hated the person in front of her very much at this moment, what Luo Anan stepped on was not the snacks, but herself!

"I swear, you will pay the price for what you did today!!!"

A certain one was slightly taken aback, and finally raised its head in distress: "This is really interesting, I'm disposing of my things, are you qualified to speak?"

"If you have the ability, go and complain to your Devil Emperor!"


Seeing Concubine Shu go away in anger, the smile on the corner of Luo An'an's mouth gradually disappeared, and she looked indifferently at the snacks on the ground.

It was like watching Mo Jiuxiao's fate.

(End of this chapter)

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