Chapter 2464 Pregnancy Examination

Those two sluts deliberately "comforted" her pretending to be a noble concubine, allowing themselves to salute them, and the sarcasm in their mouths was louder and louder.

"Sister Concubine Shu, you're a typical example of being smart. It's not good to be honest. You have to wait until Emperor Zun abolishes your concubine position before you are reconciled." Covered gloat. "Oh, now that I think about it, although I am a bit stupid, there are blessings for fools. At least I can still sit safely on the imperial concubine's seat."

"That's right." Concubine Xiao covered her mouth with a light smile, "Concubine Shu, I called you Sister Shu yesterday, but today you have become Sister Shu, it's really... I didn't expect the phrase "Hua Wu Hundred Days Red" The words are first reflected on you."

Concubine Li laughed and said: "Don't talk about it, her flower hasn't bloomed for a hundred days, and it withers so fast!"

"What are you so proud of!!!" Shu Fei clenched her fingers and smiled coldly, "You still have the heart to laugh at me, how do you know that today's me is not tomorrow's you! That woman is so jealous, she can't let you go Yes! Besides, Ben Gong was just demoted, as long as Ben Gong is alive for a day, there is a chance to make a comeback!"

Concubine Xiao raised her eyebrows lightly, and said disdainfully: "I don't need to worry about this, Concubine Shu. I and Concubine Li have their own calculations in their hearts. Instead of worrying about us, why don't you think about how to calm the emperor. Otherwise you Want to regain your favor? Go ahead and dream!"

"Hey, why are you talking so nicely?" Concubine Li walked slowly to the door with small steps, and sneered: "It is clear that she will never see Emperor Zun again, let alone regain favor! Concubine Shu, can this noble concubine You should be grateful to be able to visit you at this port because of the friendship of the old sisters!"

After finishing speaking, Concubine Li sneered and left.Concubine Xiao shook her head on the spot, and sighed "tsk tsk tsk": "Look at Concubine Li, she is straightforward. But Concubine Shu, don't be too sad, after all, people have to have something to look forward to in life, right?"

After saying that, Concubine Xiao also raised her head and left with a smug smile.

"Slut, bitch!!!" Concubine Shu looked at their proud figures, and couldn't keep calm any longer. Her originally plain face was now distorted ferociously because of anger, looking as ugly as she could be.

Yinhuan stepped forward worriedly: "Your Majesty, don't be angry, this kind of bitch is not worthy of your fuss with her. For the present plan, let Emperor Zun calm down!"

Speaking of this, Concubine Shu immediately sat there depressed like a deflated puffer fish, with tears streaming down her face: "Yinhuan, that bitch Li Guifei is right, I don't even see Emperor Zun now! How could Zun be so cruel, he didn't even stop to make excuses, and directly demoted my position! He was really fascinated by that little goblin!"

"Yinhuan, what should I do now!"

Hearing this, Yinhuan rolled his eyes uneasily, and said anxiously: "How could this happen! Madam, we can't just sit around like this, you must find a way! No matter how bad it is, let's go and apologize to Mrs. An and let her replace you Let us beg for mercy!"

"Impossible!" Concubine Shu said sharply, "That bitch is just waiting to see how miserable I am, how could I send it to my door to humiliate myself!!"

Yinhuan was so anxious that she was about to cry: "But ma'am, it's not an option to continue like this! Otherwise, please ask the adults at home to intercede for you in front of Emperor Zun!"

Hearing this, Concubine Shu took a few deep breaths, and finally forced herself to calm down: "That's not okay, asking my brother to intercede for me, not only can't appease Emperor Zun, but it will cause my brother to be angered."

After all, Concubine Shu let Yinhuan support her to sit down slowly in front of the bed, she bit her lip hard, and said with vicious eyes: "Don't worry, let Bengong think of a way, I won't let these bastards go human!"

Yinhuan nodded in a daze, watched Concubine Shu close her eyes and meditate, and immediately retreated silently.


At that time, it was time for Luo An'an to diagnose her pulse again.In order to ensure that nothing would happen to the two babies, one big and one small, the Devil Emperor specially invited the famous fox doctor in the demon world to check Luo Anan's body.

Seeing that the shit-shoveling officer was so busy, An Baobao silently swallowed the words that he would check his pulse.

And the fox doctor who came was also an acquaintance, he was the nurse during pregnancy appointed by her father and mother when she was in the Demon Palace.

Doctor Fox's acting skills are really good, he was clearly here to see the princess, but after seeing Luo An'an, he acted like he never knew her.

But what surprised Doctor Fox was that the amnesiac son-in-law was still very kind to the princess, not only caring about her, but also caring about the "wild cub" in her stomach.

"Sir, how is my wife's health? How is the child?" The Devil Emperor has been guarding Luo Anan's side every step of the way. Seeing that Doctor Fox gradually withdrew his hand to check the pulse, he immediately asked in a deep voice.

The fox doctor stroked his beard and said slowly: "Madam's body is fine, but she is still a little weak."


"That's right, the fetus has absorbed too much immortal energy in Madam's body, so Madam's body will naturally become weak." Speaking of this, Doctor Fox frowned slightly: "It will not be good for Madam's delivery if it goes on for so long. ! Insufficient celestial energy, it is easy to lose energy and blood during childbirth, at the lightest, the body will suffer a lot, and at the worst, it will be difficult to give birth, and both mother and child will die."

The fox doctor painstakingly persuaded Luo An'an: "Madam, you should know your own body, how can you be so willful? According to your current situation, you should eat the treasures of heaven and earth. Look at you like this , I’m afraid I seldom take supplements during this period of time? If you continue like this, how can you let the demon... people feel at ease!"

The devil emperor's face sank: "It's so serious!!!"

After finishing speaking, the Devil Emperor looked at Luo An'an displeasedly: "Why didn't you tell me that you were unwell? Besides, you still dare not eat when it's all like this!"

After being trained by two people in a row, a certain one shrank its head: "I don't think it's a big problem..."

"Ma'am, don't take this matter to heart!" Doctor Fox said vaguely, half persuading and half threatening, "Otherwise, it's hard for me to explain."

Princess, if you don't take good care of yourself, I can only ask His Majesty to come in person.

"Sir, just tell me what Madam should do and eat now." The Devil Emperor arbitrarily decided for Luo An'an, "Don't worry, I will definitely watch her carefully!"

It seems that the son-in-law is reliable.

The fox doctor stroked his beard, and finally said slowly: "First of all, collect more treasures of heaven and earth, preferably those of the top immortal rank or god rank. In addition, let the lord...cough cough, the people in the palace It is better to save your stomach and eat more tonics instead of making some delicious food for Madam."

Mo Jiuxiao listened carefully while remembering it firmly in his heart. At this time, An Baobao asked with a bitter face, "How long will it take to eat?"

(End of this chapter)

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