Chapter 2471 The taste of giving up

Luo An'an fell asleep for several hours in the palace, if one hand didn't keep disturbing her, making her restless, she might not wake up easily.

"Don't you hate it!" Luo Anan glared at the shit-shoveling officer with an angry look, "I've been pregnant with a cub so hard, but you don't even let me sleep!!! Do you know that it's right for pregnant people to sleep more? Both mother and fetus are fine!!!”

Lord Demon Emperor is now able to calmly face his own fox's petty temper. He stretched out his hand and rubbed the fox's head into a chicken nest, and said with a smile: "Then you have to eat something before going to sleep, today's tonic soup hasn't been drunk yet. .I just learned a new taste in the past two days, try it, huh?"

When it comes to nourishing soup, a certain dog's face turns darker and smells worse, but for the sake of the cub, Baby An still doesn't say anything, and can only obediently get up to wash and eat.

After realizing that the fox's mood had calmed down a bit, Lord Demon Emperor pretended to mention it casually and said, "How did today's banquet go?"

Luo Anan paused suddenly when she was about to pick up the bowl, and then looked calmly at the excrement shovel officer who quietly raised one ear: "Ah, it's okay."

The Devil Emperor's mood immediately became uneasy, what does it mean?Could it be that the one who doesn't have eyes makes the fox angry again?In the end the fox will fire on him! ! !

Thinking of this, the Devil Emperor became more cautious in serving the little ancestor: "Don't pay attention to those women, I will drive them out of the palace, I only need you. Well, plus one of our cubs."

"Yo~" An Baobao raised his eyebrows and looked at the shit shovel with great interest: "This is the sun coming out from the west? Why did you suddenly give up today? Excluding the dead one and driving the other one out, you still have a full seven Ten beauties! All of them are gone at once, don't you feel bad!"

The devil emperor immediately swore to show his loyalty: "If the mountain is not high, there will be spirits if there are immortals. If there are not many people, just one will do."

Luo Anan: seems to rhyme?

"Ahem, don't worry, those women of yours are definitely not allowed to stay." A certain one touched his chin, "But you can't just drive them away. After all, these people have been imprisoned by you and sealed for so many years, and they have lost a lot. If you drive people away directly, you will always look like a heartless man. It also makes my vision not very good."

Hmph, if it wasn't for this reason, Lingyue would have made the move directly, okay?Who can stop the holy artifact that has fused eight heaven and earth elemental stones?
The Devil Emperor blinked slightly puzzled, how could he even consider the feelings of those people if he wanted to drive them away?Is he no longer the devil emperor who does whatever he wants and depends on his mood?
In the end, An Baobao made the final decision: "That's how it is. Concubine Mo who is willing to take the initiative to leave, you give me a treasure, and it's best to find someone else for her."

"What about those who don't want to leave? What should they do?"

"Don't want to leave?" A certain dog replied with a half-smile: "Don't worry, they won't be unwilling to leave."

Devil Emperor: "..."


A few days passed, and the Demon Palace was always calm.

But hidden under the calm surface are dark waves and turbulent waves, quite a taste of the coming rain.

There was something wrong with the way everyone looked at Luo An'an, and the way they looked at the Devil Emperor was even more complicated and unbelievable.

What the hell, the Devil Emperor has been greened?Their great Regal was green?

If this news gets out, the Demon Realm will definitely become the laughing stock of the Six Realms!

That woman who tarnished Emperor Zun's reputation must, must, die! ! !

No matter what outsiders think, An Baobao's daily life is still leisurely.Now she controls every move of everyone in the palace, and those restless and eager thoughts are clearly exposed in front of Luo An'an.

Especially Concubine Shu, who was monitored 24 hours a day.

This woman is really smart, and her temperament is still always cautious.This time she still didn't intend to do it herself, but encouraged those generals who were very protective of the Devil Emperor to do it.Don't even think about Luo An'an, he knows that his reputation outside has become "a disaster for a beauty, a disaster for the country and the people, a charm for the monarch, and confusion for the blood of the demon world".

A certain one couldn't help feeling sorry for himself in his heart: What a tragedy~
Soon, in a peaceful afternoon, all the devil generals suddenly attacked the devil emperor, begging him to get rid of the woman who put the green hat on the devil emperor.The demon generals who once shed their blood for the demon world, who were not afraid of death in the south and north, knelt down before Mo Jiuxiao, begging with one voice.

Getting rid of Mrs. An will not only protect the dignity of the Demon Realm and the face of the Demon Emperor, but also benefit their interests from other sources.Although there are many sincere people who are dedicated to the devil emperor and don't care about other things at all, but according to everyone's expectations, Mrs. An must die.

The devil emperor who heard these words was expressionless. Everyone could see his calm rage, but they didn't know who the rage was directed at.

"Kill Mrs. An..." The Devil Emperor reflected on these words, and finally evoked a piercing smile: "Give Gu a reason."

"Emperor, Madam An, she dared to collude with outsiders, and used evil seeds to try to win over all of us! It's a serious crime, shouldn't she be executed!"

Hearing this, the arc of the Devil Emperor's mouth became wider and wider: "Who said that the child in Mrs. An's womb is not lonely? Talking nonsense?"

One of the most senior demon generals finally couldn't help but persuaded him, "Emperor! If Mrs. An is really only a few months pregnant, how could her belly be bulging like a mortal woman? You must know this too. And Mrs. An seems to have been pregnant for a hundred years, but a hundred years did you recognize her! Not only is this woman ungrateful for all the favors you have given Mrs. An, but she is also proud of her favors. It’s time to lie to you! Emperor Zun, this girl is a heartbreaker!!!”

"Who said Mrs. An lied to Gu—???"

The devil emperor stood up from the throne playfully, looked at the suddenly confused faces below, and smiled: "Guzao knew that she was pregnant since the first day he met Mrs. An."

The demon generals couldn't help murmuring: "Then you still..."

"So what, Gu not only doesn't care, but also likes it very much." The devil emperor said casually, "But I don't know that you are so concerned about Gu's family affairs."

Now the aggressive demon generals were completely confused. What do you mean you knew that Mrs. An was pregnant?If you had known earlier and brought her into the palace, could it be...

Now the demon generals started to look at the devil emperor strangely: ... Is their emperor really perverted? He doesn't like big girls with yellow flowers, but prefers pregnant women with heavy taste...

The taste is so peculiar, no wonder the other concubines in the palace are not favored at all!
Hey, it's really strange that there are still people in this world who are rushing to wear a cuckold!
Suddenly, the Devil Emperor spoke again.

(End of this chapter)

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