Chapter 2473 Kill Concubine Shu!

A demon general smiled wryly and nodded: "Since you know everything, why bother to ask us again? It's unnecessary?"

"Hehehe, I have to let others think that I am a person who speaks with evidence." An Baobao smiled sweetly, and then said: "In case it spreads and some people say that I am too bossy, I will make a decision based on my status without evidence." You have committed the crime of one person. Tsk tsk, you are all my witnesses!"

"... Concubine Shu!!!"

Hearing the key words, the devil emperor's face suddenly darkened as if dripping water, he paused word by word: "Again, yes, she!"

"Last time I dropped her status as a small punishment, it seems... the punishment is really too light!!!" A roar like thunder echoed throughout the hall.

In this regard, Luo Anan slowly took a drink from the shit shovel officer's cup, and spit out a sentence: "Oh, it's all because you taste so good, there are always some flies who refuse to give up and want to taste it."

After finishing speaking, a certain one imitated Concubine Shu's tone and sighed exaggeratedly: "Ah——, this man's smell is so damn sweet!!!"

One sentence successfully disgusted all the men present.

The Devil Emperor's face was so dark that it seemed as if it could strike lightning. He held back his anger and said, "Go back and think about it, all of you!!! Whoever dares to intercede with Concubine Shu, let her be buried with her!!!"

One sentence made all the demon generals tremble, including Concubine Shu's family.

Luo Anan didn't think it was a big deal after watching the excitement, and then added: "Also, what should I say, what should not be said, you are all old people around Emperor Zun, you should be clear, right? I don't think you will be willing to talk about it at the same time. Enemies against me and Regal."


"Go away!" The devil emperor turned his back, even if it was just a back view, the anger leaked out was enough to make people tremble with fear.

Everyone sympathized with Concubine Shu who was about to be unlucky in their hearts.


After the demon generals had left, An Baobao wanted to use this as an excuse to play tricks on the shit-shoveling officer again.However, what was unexpected was that before a certain one could speak, the Devil Emperor scolded her first!
"I said last time that I should kill this woman, but you didn't listen! Now it's all right, she's plotting against you for the second time!" The Devil Emperor gritted his teeth.

Luo An'an: ...Brother, your words are as indifferent as if she is not your concubine.

What can I do, I am also very desperate!
After speaking, the shit shovel officer turned around and was about to leave.A certain hand was still holding a porcelain cup, and asked weakly, "...where are you going?"

"Go and tear that woman into pieces!!!"


In the end, a certain one got up helplessly and said: "Calm down, isn't she incapable of doing anything to me? Leave this person to me."

"No way!" The Demon Emperor vetoed without even thinking about it, "You are too soft-hearted, what if you let her go again this time!"

"...Jiuqing, I'm really not a mentally handicapped Madonna." A certain girl spread her hands helplessly, "It was just boring to keep her before, you understand that keeping her is like a cat playing with a mouse, right? But now this woman wants to treat us It's unbearable to kill her cub. Don't worry, she won't survive."

"Then let me deal with this woman."

"Hey!" A certain one shook its head and shook its hands seriously: "No, it's better for women to handle matters between women. What's more, I want to use this matter to gain power, otherwise how can I be you in the future?" How about your queen taking care of things in the devil world with you?"


After being silent for a long time, the Devil Emperor said slowly: "This time I will obey you again, but that woman must die."

"Don't worry." An Baobao smiled, "I won't let her die too happily."


Today's Concubine Shu has become particularly excited since she opened her eyes, because she knows that today is Luo An'an's damn day.

The demon generals will all persuade Emperor Zun to kill Mrs. An, a shameless woman, and the thorn in her flesh can finally be removed.

Concubine Shu felt that today was a good day, and she thought with cold eyes that after Mrs. An died, the devil emperor's harem would be her world.

But looking at herself in the mirror in a simple and elegant Tsing Yi, Concubine Shu was dissatisfied.Finally, she blurted out: "Yinhuan, bring me that bright red phoenix skirt."


Yinhuan was stunned for a moment, the demon world also pays attention to the distinction between wives and concubines, everyone knows that concubines should not wear red.How dare the empress...

Seeing that Yinhuan hadn't moved for a long time, Concubine Shu lowered her face and said coldly: "Why, I can't command you now!"

Yinhuan was taken aback by the coldness in Concubine Shu's eyes that could not be fully retracted in the future, even to the maidservants, Concubine Shu's image was gentle and seldom so penetrating.

"...Slave is going now." Yinhuan nodded in fear, got up and went to the jade wardrobe in the inner room to get the bright red and gorgeous phoenix skirt.

However, after opening the closet, Yinhuan saw a puddle of blood, and she couldn't help taking a step back and screaming in shock: "Ha!"

Taking a closer look, where is the blood, the bright red color is clearly the phoenix skirt that Concubine Shu cherishes most and is reluctant to wear on weekdays.Yinhuan patted her heart lightly, and finally took off the phoenix skirt carefully.

For some reason, she always felt that the red phoenix skirt was too coquettish, like blood...

Concubine Shu finally changed into that bright red phoenix skirt, and her whole person seemed to be a different person, without the half-distinct elegance of before.She was in a good mood and painted herself with bright red nutmeg, and her lips were also dyed as bright red as blood.

"Yinhuan," Concubine Shu looked at herself in the mirror with satisfaction, and suddenly said while pinching the corner of her skirt, "Do you know why the color of this phoenix skirt is so bright red?"

Yinhuan shook his head lightly, and whispered: "I don't know."

Concubine Shu was about to answer, but she heard the sound of the door being kicked open with a "bang".

Immediately, an extremely delicate face slowly appeared from the door: "Because that phoenix skirt was dyed red with human blood."

It was Luo An'an who came.

A certain one walked into the door, and wrinkled its little nose in disgust: "Such a strong smell of blood almost makes people vomit."

Concubine Shu's expression changed suddenly, she looked at her in horror like a cat with fur: "Why do you..."

"What?" Luo Anan curled her lips and smiled faintly, "Why are you still alive, or why are you here?"

After finishing speaking, Luo Anan walked around Concubine Shu a few times, and said with great interest: "Concubine Shu is really well dressed today."

Compared with Luo An'an's leisurely and carefree attitude, Shu Fei is already in a cold sweat at this moment.She couldn't figure out what went wrong, the demon generals had clearly exposed this woman, and this woman was indeed pregnant with evil seeds to deceive everyone!
Why is she not dead yet! ! !
Seeing Concubine Shu's pale face, An Baobao probably guessed what she was thinking, and grinned: "Concubine Shu is disappointed, my wife has always been very lucky, so nothing will happen easily."

(End of this chapter)

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