Chapter 2487 Make amends to father-in-law and mother-in-law

Under Mo Jiuxiao's entanglement, Luo An'an finally relented and agreed to the poop shovel officer's request.

Only when you lose can you know how to cherish. Luo An'an has lost Mo Jiuxiao several times, and she knows how to cherish better than anyone else.Anger is anger, but she is reluctant to waste all the time of the two of them on anger and punishment.

In this way, besides having to spend three hours grinding the washboard, Mo Jiuxiao stayed with An Baobao as usual every day, and the relationship between the two became stronger than before during this period.

Luo Anan even excitedly dragged the shit shovel officer to design the baby's future clothes, toys, and even the shape of the baby's cradle.As big as a bodyguard nanny, as small as the size of a pacifier, it is worth discussing for a long time with the dumb parents.

In fact, these things can be handed over to the palace demon who is in charge of this area, but the two idiots are both parents for the first time, and this kind of joy makes them more willing to do everything by themselves.

So much so that after the cub was born, he wore bright red and purple clothes every day, wrapped in pink, yellow, pink and blue swaddling clothes, and looked indifferently at those ugly toys that he couldn't play with at all.

Luo Anan finally let Luo Anan play with the small toys that were designed.

As for the cub's father, he looked at the cub's mother dotingly, and kept saying: "What kind of toys do men play with? They are so delicate, so don't get too used to them."

A "manly" cub less than one year old: "..."


The Demon Realm has been handed over to Yingsha.

After Mo Jiuxiao's death, Yingsha felt sorry for Luo An'an (for not protecting her man well), so she simply returned to the hometown of the Fox clan to spend her life wasting every day.Now that Mo Jiuxiao has recovered his memory, he only feels headache and impatient looking at a lot of affairs in the devil world.

Therefore, Yingsha was invited back like this again.

As for Mo Jiuxiao, he naturally took care of Luo An'an wholeheartedly. By the way, he planned to go back to the Demon Realm recently to apologize to his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

In short, I just don't want to work.

The trip to the demon world was a day that Luo An'an had planned long ago, and Mo Jiuxiao couldn't help but say "no".Thinking of the two elders who were about to meet, Mo Jiuxiao was naturally uneasy.To be honest, with so many things going on, he really felt ashamed to face them.

At the beginning, I boasted a lot in the Demon Emperor's Palace, saying that I would definitely make Luo Luo happy forever.But he suddenly belched, leaving his own fox alone for so many years.

If the cattery didn't kill him to make him live again, then he really wouldn't even have the chance to make up for Luo Luo.

What a shame, what a shame!

However, no matter how much Mo Jiuxiao repented in his heart, the Demon Emperor's car still landed in the sky above the Demon Emperor's Palace.

The Demon Emperor and Demon Queen did not come out to meet them, but let the fox girl inform them to go to the main hall.

Luo Anan glanced at the shit shovel officer, and naturally saw the cowardice hidden under his calm appearance.

Live it!

Under the leadership of the fox girl, An Baobao ran into the main hall like a brisk butterfly, while Mo Jiuxiao followed behind her with a heavy heart, every step was like going to the execution ground.

"Father, Queen Mother!"

At that time, the Demon Emperor and the Demon Empress were holding a cup of tea in their hands. After hearing this brisk and lively voice, they rushed out to look towards the palace gate.Sure enough, who is that delicate girl with a bulging belly if not their daughter?

The demon queen looked at her daughter who was a completely different person from before she left, and the anger in her stomach because of Mo Jiuxiao just now was extinguished in an instant.She smiled wryly and shook her head: Maybe this is the fate of the younger generation, she can't control it, really can't control it.

The demon emperor Tu Shanling didn't think as much as he did. He quickly stepped forward and held his daughter's hand tightly, instantly excited like the most ordinary old father in the human world: "Okay, okay..."

His forever happy An An finally came back!

Mo Jiuxiao's figure followed at the entrance of the hall, and seeing him, the Demon Emperor's expression suddenly changed.He sighed: "You are back too? Come in."

After speaking, he pulled Luo An'an to the table, but Mo Jiuxiao suddenly stopped two or three meters away from the table, then knelt down and kowtowed: "Jiuxiao apologizes to the queen!"

"What is this!"

The demon queen immediately stood up to help him, and said with a displeased face: "You child, get up and talk, there are only me, your father, and An'an and our family in this palace, what crime do you pay for?"

Mo Jiuxiao shook his head stubbornly, and said guiltily, "My son-in-law didn't fulfill his promise, and he's ashamed of his entrustment to his father, queen and queen. This kneeling is justified."


The demon queen finally withdrew her hand and stopped supporting him. She sighed, her voice full of helplessness and heartache: "If I really want to talk about this, I won't hide it from you. Jiuxiao, not long ago, my mother still blamed you Yes. Do you know how An An has lived these years? She is dying twice in front of my eyes, twice! I, a mother, can't do anything for her, I can only watch her die. , Count the days and slowly endure."

Hearing the sufferings of his own fox again, Mo Jiuxiao felt a pain in his heart: "It's all my son-in-law's fault..."

The demon queen shook her head and smiled wryly: "The queen mother thought so too. But to be honest... what does this have to do with you? No one wants to see your sudden disappearance. What's more, you also You didn't seek death on purpose, the cause of your death is... Jiuxiao, although the queen mother loves An An, you are also the queen mother's child! Since the day you and An An got married, you have been the son of me and your father, you died , My heart hurts like a knife, and it’s not too bad to get lost with An An. Now that you can come back to life, your father and I are only happy. I don’t want to care about the past. The past is all In the past, we are always a family."

At this time, Tu Shanling also said in a deep voice: "Your mother is right, Jiu Xiao, you and An An are also our children. Our children will always be good and will not make mistakes. Besides, we are a family. When something goes wrong, if you really want to kneel down for a long time, you will be separated from us. We love you so much that it is too late, how can we think of blaming you? Jiu Xiao, the only one you are sorry for is An An, who wants to kneel in front of her Kneel. As for me and your mother, there is really no need."

These words poured on Mo Jiuxiao's heart like sour and hot water, making his heart swell with heat.He knew that he was ashamed and unforgivable, and thought that his father, queen and queen would be angry, but he didn't expect that they would care about him so much. Not only did he not feel dissatisfied with him because of Luo Luo, but he treated himself as his own son, and felt sorry for what happened to him. .

Seeing this, Luo Anan clenched his fists by his mouth and said to the excrement shoveler: "Ahem, why are you still kneeling? Can't the two elders, father, queen, mother, and empress, persuade you? Are you so arrogant?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" The demon queen cast a reproachful glance at her daughter, "Why don't you help Jiuxiao up quickly?"

(End of this chapter)

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