Chapter 2495 Secretary God
When mentioning the past, a look of embarrassment appeared on the Demon Emperor's face.

Well, at that time, he was even more embarrassing than Mo Jiuxiao's reaction.The fox girl hugged An An to him, but he was... frightened and cried!
The Demon Emperor still remembers the scene at that time. He was really afraid of the fox cub in the story. It was so small and weak, as if it would hurt if it was touched lightly. He didn't dare to touch it at all!Therefore, a cub suddenly appeared in his arms, and the Demon King was so frightened that he shouted: "Take it, take it away, I won't hold the baby!"

However, the fox cubs at that time bit his clothes, and finally scared him to tears.Or the demon queen who had just given birth struggled to pick up the child, then drove him out, and then his An An disappeared...

Nima, this is definitely the biggest dark history of the Demon Emperor, bar none! ! !

Seeing that Tu Shanling shut her mouth obediently because of her own words, the Demon Queen nodded in satisfaction, and then said emphatically, "It's okay, the little guy is quite strong, don't be afraid. Just support him gently."

Hearing this, Mo Jiuxiao slowly calmed down.He also hugged many children when he was in Lingguang Continent, in fact he has a lot of experience.It's just that he was too excited just now, so he forgot everything for a while.

Under the guidance of the demon queen, Mo Jiuxiao quickly adjusted his posture, looking very professional.

Seeing this, the Demon Emperor turned his head and snorted softly.

Only then did Mo Jiuxiao have time to look at this son who he had "snubbed" for a long time.The little guy has a round face and looks very cute. Mo Jiuxiao looked left and right, and for a while, only one sentence came out of his heart...

"Well, he really looks like Luo Luo." Uncle Mo praised him sincerely.

Everyone: ... After the appraisal, another one is lame.

However, in the next second, the little guy who had his eyes closed suddenly frowned and woke up.

The first glance between father and son came so unexpectedly.

The little guy opened his eyes and looked at the world ignorantly, and was caught off guard by a face that made him feel infinitely friendly.Because the little guy is developing well, I don't think that babies in the mortal world can't see anything when they are born.The only thing that the little guy with his eyes closed resembles Luo An'an is his slightly hooked fox eyes, but when he opens his eyes, he has another resemblance to Mo Jiuxiao.

The eyes of both father and son hide the sea of ​​stars, deep and charming.

Everyone secretly thought in their hearts: Born to inherit the merits of their parents, the little Highness will surely look even better than the current Prince Consort in the future!
As soon as he and his son looked at each other, Mo Jiuxiao's eyes immediately became helpless, but they were quickly filled with tenderness and love. His heart was beating violently, and the blood in his body was boiling at this moment. This is the child who is connected with him by blood. , his little boy.

The intimacy makes the natural closeness of the father and son abnormal.

No one noticed that Luo Anan, who was lying on the bed at the moment, also slowly opened his eyes.A certain one was stunned for a few seconds, only feeling that its lips were going to be dry and cracked, and it was extremely thirsty.Finally, he shouted weakly: "Water..."

Hearing this voice, the little guy who was "looking at each other affectionately" with his father in the last second returned to the demon queen's arms again in the next second.His father, whose eyes were full of kindness just now, quickly poured a glass of water, helped his beautiful mother to sit up, and fed her water.

"An An woke up!"

The demon queen carried the child and walked over gently, no one dared to speak, only the sound of An Baobao drinking water was left in the hall for a while.

When the tea bottomed out, a certain one finally felt a little more comfortable: "I still want to drink."

Hearing this, Uncle Mo quickly poured another cup of tea and served Baby An to drink it.

After drinking two cups of tea at the same time, the feeling of thirst finally left Luo An'an.A certain one yawned and was about to speak when its expression suddenly became strange.

"I remember that I seem to have given birth to a child, did you give birth? Could it be a dream?" a certain one muttered.

Speaking of this, a happy smile appeared on Mo Jiuxiao's face, and he held Luo Anan's hand tightly: "Silly Luoluo, it's not a dream, our son was born. Thank you for your hard work..."

Now Baby An immediately cheered up: "He really gave birth! Where is it, let me see!"

After speaking, he couldn't wait to reach out to hug the child, but found that his hand was tightly held by the shit shovel officer.

A certain stared at the clasped hands for a few seconds, and finally said slowly: "Jiuqing, why do you have such a big face? I want to see the child, why are you here to join in the fun?"

"Hurry up and let go!"


Uncle Mo let go of his hand extremely slowly and aggrieved, and his love for the child dropped by more than half in an instant.

Sure enough, a creature like a child came to compete with him for Lolo.If I had known today, I would never have had children!
Well, a loving mother is often a loser. It seems that he will have to shoulder the responsibility of a strict father in the future.

At this moment, the poor little baby doesn't know that the father's love he has only lasted for a few minutes and then disappeared, which can be described as extremely pitiful.

When the swaddle finally arrived in Luo Anan's hands, she looked at her child quietly for a few seconds, well, it was not as ugly as she imagined, and even very cute.

The little guy stared at her with big innocent eyes, babbling, seemingly very happy.

The natural induction between mother and child was established, and Luo Anan's tears fell down.

Such a cute child, her own child, she almost killed him... She is not a good mother.

This sudden scene frightened the Demon Queen, and Mo Jiuxiao also lowered his face and held Luo Anan's hand again: "Luo Luo doesn't cry, what's wrong?"

"...It's okay." A certain one choked, and while holding the baby, she felt infinite love in her heart, "Jiuqing, he's so cute."

This "he" naturally refers to the little bun of the two of them.

Mo Jiuxiao: ... so cute that you want to cry?
Uncle Mo said with a serious face: "He made you cry, it's time for a spanking."

A cub guard immediately became unwilling: "If you dare to hit him, I will kick you!"

"...!!!" Luo Luo really doesn't love him the most!

Seeing the little guy looking at him ignorantly, Luo Anan lightly touched his tender face, and finally said slowly: "Jiuqing, let's give the baby a nickname, how about calling it innocent?"

"Wu Shi?" Mo Jiuxiao repeated the name, and immediately understood what she was thinking, "This name is good, let's call it Wu Shi."

Hearing this, Luo Anan hugged the cute little guy, and said softly: "My baby is born to be the god of heaven and earth. In the future, you will balance the good and evil of the world. No matter what decision you make, you don't have to feel guilty. My son is not in debt. No one should be ashamed, and there is no need to be ashamed."

Sishen, what a majestic name it sounds.However, being a god is not a happy thing.

To maintain the balance of righteousness and evil between heaven and earth, who to kill and who to take is all in the mind of Sishen.If possible, Luo An'an hopes that his child will be cold-hearted, so that he will not feel guilty for making various choices in the future, and be ashamed of others.

This is also a bit of good intentions as a mother.

 Well, it's almost over.

  There is also a little more text plus a few (many) extra stories.

(End of this chapter)

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