Chapter 813 Find the Difference
With a whooping sound, the boy who was still white, tender and cute just now turned into a huge python in an instant!The radius of the python's waist is a full two meters wide, and its eyes are as big as the wheels of a carriage!The boa constrictor raised its head and looked at Lin Lang and the others "hissing" and spitting snake letters!
Crowd: ...

Madan!This world is too illusory and terrifying, how could they deceive their feelings like this!You give back our cute little boy!

With such a cute appearance, the main body is not a furry animal!
Linlang's little loli pouted in dissatisfaction, she felt that she needed to eat a chicken drumstick to calm her shock.

Qingluan was a little frightened, and stammered: "Old, old Leopard, is this the enchanted ice star python under the dark abyss?"

Leopard Zhun's voice was also a little trembling, and he tried hard to swallow the saliva in his mouth: "It seems... yes..."

"..." What were they doing just now?This is a big guy! ! !She even said that she wanted to cover him (pinched his face)!

Lingyue got the result he wanted, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

"Okay, let's change back. Eggy, you get to know him better, and you go and tell him something." Lingyue arranged everything in two steps, and then went to show his presence in front of the sulking Lin Lang up.If you want to chase someone, you must choose the right time.Only in this way can you get a lot of favorability.


Along the way, Luo An'an and Mo Jiuxiao didn't advance very fast.Because of too many things stumbling in the footsteps.For example, if one of his disciples is being bullied, for example, someone wants to provoke someone who doesn't have a good eye.

Just like at this time, Luo An'an and Mo Jiuxiao were surrounded by four Golden Core monks, watching them intently.There is no way, An Baobao and Mo Jiuxiao are shining little fat sheep in their eyes, with low cultivation base and many treasures, so I am sorry for myself if I don't kill them!

"Luo Anan, Mo Jiuxiao, hand over your storage ring, we will never make things difficult for you!" A Jindan cultivator looked at them greedily, and that disgusting gaze made Baobao very uncomfortable.It doesn't matter if you covet your own storage ring, you won't even let go of your jewelry robes!Although these are good things, but as for it!

Mo Jiuxiao stood in front of Luo An'an, shielding her from those disgusting eyes.

"You are looking for death!" Mo Jiuxiao's eyes were cold, with a strong killing intent.

"Hahahahaha!" All four of them laughed wildly: "Mo Jiuxiao, Immortal Jinhao is not here, no one will help you out! How dare you talk big!"

"Li Cheng, go and teach our first genius how to speak to seniors!" A Jindan disciple said with a sneer.

"Jiuqing..." Baby An was interrupted by Mo Jiuxiao as soon as he spoke. He looked coldly at the dying people on the opposite side: "Luo Luo, I will deal with these bugs myself!"

All right.That being the case, An Baobao silently backed away, leaving the battlefield to the shit shovel officer.Jiuqing has reached the Great Consummation of the Fusion Stage, so it shouldn't be too difficult to deal with the Golden Core Stage, right?
"Brat, don't you just talk big?" The man named Li Cheng looked at Mo Jiuxiao disdainfully, his tone full of sarcasm.

Li Cheng wasn't serious at all. He felt that he could seriously injure Mo Jiuxiao with just one move.After all, it is only a foundation building period, which is far from the Jindan period!
But the result was far beyond his expectation!No matter how fast he was or how fierce his attacks were, none of them hit Mo Jiuxiao!On the contrary, Mo Jiuxiao has always been at ease, stalking him like a dog.

Li Cheng was so annoyed that he gritted his teeth and threw dozens of fourth-order charms out with a painful expression on his face.

"Golden thorn!" Hundreds of thorns stabbed at Mo Jiuxiao at the same time.There is a spell in the front and an attack in the back. He wants to see how Mo Jiuxiao can dodge this time!
Seeing this, a slight mockery flashed in Mo Jiuxiao's eyes, and at the same time he tapped his toes.

(End of this chapter)

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