Chapter 829
"Let go!" The injured woman shook off Luo An'an's hand.

Luo Anan looked at the familiar woman in front of him, and suddenly remembered who this person was just now.Thanks to An Baobao's good memory, Luo An'an probably remembered that this person seemed to be a disciple of Qing Yunzong.

The injured woman was the first woman An Baobao saw when she first entered the world of cultivating immortals. She followed two Jindan monks of Qingyun Sect and Jinhao Immortal Venerable to compete for Yun Yan'er of Leimu Qianyelian.

Since Yun Yan'er was wiped out of memory by Immortal Jinhao, she returned to Qing Yunzong with the few remaining disciples who survived without any danger.This woman was so scheming that within a month, she let Deacon Huang, who had a grudge against her, die tragically at the mouth of a monster.Since then, it has been even smoother in cultivation. Although the spirit root is not very good, but the luck is good, and there are some small chances.Now she has successfully promoted to a disciple of the Foundation Establishment Stage.

Luo An'an and her only met once, but she never thought that they would meet again now.I didn't even expect that she would have the guts to follow her!
Yun Yan'er, who was in unbearable pain, didn't pay attention to what Luo Anan said just now, so she didn't guess that Luo Anan had seen her before.

The spirit sword touched Yun Yan'er's neck, Luo An'an looked at Yun Yan'er with cold eyes: "Say, why are you following us?"

Yun Yan'er propped up her body with the uninjured side: "I saw it!"

"I saw you killed the elder of Konggu!" Yun Yan'er pretended to be calm, as if she was not afraid of Luo An'an killing her at all.

"Oh, so what?" Luo Anan looked at her indifferently: "Could it be that the elder of Kongu can't be killed? If he is killed, he will be killed, let alone he is dead..."

The spirit sword sank another centimeter into Yun Yan'er's neck, "Now even you are going to die!"

"You won't!" Yun Yan'er said affirmatively, "Otherwise your secrets will be revealed!"

"There are three invisible people at the scene, the one exposed must be your handwriting!" Yun Yan'er said her own judgment: "Luo Anan, your cultivation base is so low, it shows that the function of your invisibility pill can even be used by monks with high cultivation bases." I can’t even see through it! If I publicize this matter, do you think your life will be stable in the future?”

I have to say that Yun Yan'er is very smart and can guess a lot of things.This was also my own carelessness, I didn't notice that there was still Xiao Xiami hiding in the distance and watching.

But it's too smart to threaten yourself with this little thing!
"So?" An Baobao looked at the other party leisurely at this moment, wanting to see what else the other party knew.

"Not only that, the elders of the Qingyun Sect also died because of this. In addition to the invisible monk, the deaths of the three of them were more or less at your fingertips. The loss of three Nascent Souls in a row is still the elders of the three sects. Luo An'an, do you think the three sects will let you go?" Yun Yan'er became more confident as she spoke. "If you kill me today, these things will definitely leak out in the future. Do you think I will follow you without thinking about anything?"

Luo Anan was rather curious: "Then why are you following me?"

Yun Yan'er closed her mouth and remained silent.

Of course she wouldn't say that she saw that Luo An'an's luck was very strong, so she wanted to follow them to pick up a bargain.Yun Yan'er was fortunate enough to read a fragment of an ancient book, which described the method of observing qi.But using it is very harmful to the body.

Moreover, there is another big disadvantage of this method of observing qi, that is, the cultivation level of the person being observed cannot be too much higher than his own, otherwise not only will he not be able to see anything, but he will suffer great backlash.Yun Yan'er couldn't estimate Mo Jiuxiao's true strength, so she only dared to peek at Luo An'an's luck.

Seeing this, she was shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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