Chapter 838 If Your Boyfriend Falls Into A Dung Pit, Would You Still Want It?

"Well," Luo Anan woke up with a groan.Before she could see the situation around her, a refreshing fragrance rushed into her nose.

Baby An's brain immediately woke up, and when she opened her eyes, she saw Little Rosemary tilting her head and looking at her.She looked up and looked around, and found that she was lying on a large field of delicate and bright flowers, with petals and butterflies fluttering around her.

"Sister is awake!" Little Rosemary was very excited, her sister woke up after her treatment!
Luo Anan touched Little Rose's head to show her love, and then supported her head and asked Xiang Linlang, "What happened just now? Where's Jiuqing?"

"Master, you have just been caught by the spirit vines that guard the Wuling, and you have been separated. As for Mo Jiuxiao, it's going to be a good time anyway." Lin Lang's little loli's voice was full of gloating.

Seeing that Lin Lang was still in a bad mood, Luo Anan knew that it was not a serious matter.She rubbed her still aching head: "Why are the spirit vines treated differently, and arresters are not grouped together."

"How can this be the same? Master, your breath is the kind that all things will like, but Mo Jiuxiao is exactly the kind that those spirit vines hate the most. If he is not unlucky, who will be unlucky?" Lin Lang said bluntly.

"Those spirit vines like their master very much. You can tell by seeing the master lying in such a beautiful place. They don't like Mo Jiuxiao, so naturally they won't let Mo Jiuxiao pollute this place. Hehehe~" Lin Lang said, but finally couldn't help it Let out a wretched laugh.

Luo Anan began to look serious, without it, his Qi Ling's attitude is not right, Jiuqing will not really have an accident, right?
"I'm going to find him now!"

Just as Luo An'an was about to get up, he was blocked by petals flying all over the sky.Although there are intervals between the petals, which seem to be floating randomly, they form a tight net, blocking Luo Anan's way.

"Master, you'd better not go, Mo Jiuxiao probably doesn't want to see you now." Lin Lang's little loli covered her mouth and smiled.

After a pause at the end, Linlang's little Lolita still couldn't hold back a "puchi" laugh.

"Hahaha, master, let me tell you the truth, hahaha, Mo Jiuxiao, Mo Jiuxiao was thrown into their nourishment pit by these spirit vines hahaha!!!"

Nutrient pit is a euphemism. For spirit vines, it is similar to a septic tank... Although there is no real poop, it is filled with rotting leaves, dead animals, etc...

The smell is absolutely no different from that of a septic tank!

Luo An'an was shocked: "Jiuqing won't really fall in, right?"

Leaving aside the fact that my shit-shoveling officer is a clean freak, that scene... Alas, I can't think about it!Luo Anan patted his face, stop, if you think about it, you can't take the shit shovel officer anymore!
Inexplicably, Luo Anan suddenly remembered a question she had seen in her previous life, if her boyfriend fell into a cesspit, would he still want it?One person’s answer is still fresh in her memory, and that is: If her boyfriend is really stupid enough to fall into the cesspit, she will take a bamboo pole and stab him down when he is about to come up...

Until today, the baby actually has to face this problem!

"Hahaha master, don't worry, I didn't fall in, hahaha~~~~ Master, you don't know that Mo Jiuxiao was also fainted at the time, but he was awakened by smoke when he was half a meter away from the nourishment pit. Ah ha ha ha ha!!!" Lin Lang's laugh made her tremble wildly.

Mo Jiuxiao was really in a mess, he lifted up into the air almost like a frightened cat, and looked at the nourishment pond with a terrified expression.

When Lin Lang thought that a person who was not afraid of the sky and dared to fight even the main god would change his face when he was frightened by a nourishment pond, he felt that there was nothing more ridiculous than this!

 I don’t know if my darlings have seen a joke: the landlord was too rampant in the school back then, causing people to be surrounded by dozens of students and blocked in the school toilet, with only a mop in the toilet beside him.Seeing that he was about to be maimed by the gang, the landlord gritted his teeth and became ruthless.

  The situation turned around very quickly that day. The landlord alone held a mop and chased and beat dozens of people, which was very imposing.

(End of this chapter)

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