Chapter 840 Off-Site Assistance
Staring at his lovely big eyes, Xingluan said in confusion, "I can't figure it out."

That cute little appearance almost made Luo'an, Anlin, Lang Qingluan and the others unable to resist rubbing it.It is clearly the body of a python, but how could it have turned into the temperament of a rabbit!

The attitude towards Xingluan Luo An'an is obviously much more kind, she waved her hand: "It's okay, just think about it for a while."

"Hu Yu, what do you think?"

Seeing everyone's eyes on him, Hu Yu was a little flattered.But he still said honestly: "I seem to have some ideas, but I can't think of them after thinking about it carefully."

Eggy made a sound at this time. Although he couldn't think of anything that seemed watery but not watery, he still had a way to catch Wu Ling.

"Master An'an can ask Lin Lang to take the Wuling directly into the space. It's not difficult. We just can't catch it, and we can't tame it either." Eggy gave a more feasible method.

"This is pretty good. If you want to catch it, there is no problem. It's just that if you can't tame it, it's better not to catch it. And I think it's better to tame the fog spirit outside the space." After a little thought, Linlang gave her own suggestion .

Luo Anan also agreed with Lin Lang's idea. If there is no way to completely trap Wu Ling, there is still no way to use Wu Ling for himself.What's more, it wouldn't be so wonderful if the fog spirit released a lot of mist in the space.

Everyone was silent, and finally Lin Lang spoke first: "Master, I'm applying for off-site assistance. Master should have known about this issue before."

Luo Anan's eyes lit up instantly, that's right, the fellow has so much knowledge, she should be able to know this!

"Ah!" Just as the fellow sneezed, the God's Domain card in his hand responded.

"Well," the fellow rubbed his nose and asked, "Baby An, what's wrong?"

"That's it, sister, do you know how to catch Wuling?" An Baobao asked cutely with her big eyes blinking.

"Wu Ling? What do you want this little guy for? As an air humidifier?" The fellow asked in puzzlement.

"No, the fog spirit that the baby met is a bit special," An Baobao said shyly, "The mist it produces can isolate the consciousness, so the baby thinks it is very useful."

The fellow instantly became wretched, and suddenly realized: "Oh, so I want to have fun with my boyfriend! An Baobao is very comprehensive!"

Luo Anan: ...

"(╬ ̄盘 ̄), my sister is thinking too much!" Luo Anan gritted her teeth heavily and said, "I just want to use it to deal with the enemy!"

"Oh, don't be shy, I understand!" The fellow looked at Luo An'an meaningfully with a look of "Don't be embarrassed, who are we with?"

You don't understand!
Luo Anan gave up struggling and asked directly: "Sister, what can you do?"

"Of course there is a way. Find something similar to water but not water to trap the little guy, and then slowly tame it." The fellow said very easily.

An Baobao asked nervously: "What is something like water but not water?"

God bless, folks, don't say you don't know!

"Well, I didn't know about it before." The fellow rubbed his chin and said, "But recently I have some inspiration, I don't know if it's right."

"An'an, you said the permeability of water, from a physical point of view." The fellow suddenly asked a question.

Luo Anan said tentatively: "Will it evaporate into gas when exposed to heat?"

"That's right!" The fellow snapped his fingers. "Then An'an was thinking, is there anything like water that doesn't evaporate when it's heated?"

An Baobao looked confused, is there such a thing?Do you think there is no water that does not evaporate when exposed to heat?

(End of this chapter)

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