Chapter 844
"If I were you, I would give away that little thing and give my apprentice a favor. After all, the most important thing is to live until the ascension. In the future, if the apprentice has the opportunity to get the strange fire, then I will give away the experience of refining weapons It's not too late to go out. And this thing requires talent, even if you have the opportunity to learn it, you may not be able to learn it well."

God Can Shuo became more and more shaken, and began to think about the feasibility of this matter.

An Baobao saw that the success rate of things was getting higher and higher, and then he pretended to be generous and said: "If God Can Shuo gives me his weapon refining experience, I will forgive the debt that Fengxue owes me."

The God Can Shuo was obviously taken aback: "What, he still owes you a debt?"

"That's right, God doesn't know something. Fengxue's spiritual root was broken at the beginning. It took me a lot of money to replace his spiritual root. Only then did the book find its owner." Luo Anan Said slowly.

"I won't talk about taking a continuation spirit pill, the material must be known by the gods. But in the end, we blocked the thunder disaster for him, and threw a few eighth and ninth-level immortal artifacts, which is nothing. But among them However, there is no way to let it go like this, and we almost died."

Can Shuo gritted his teeth and said, "So..."

An Baobao smiled very kindly: "So, Fengxue sold herself to me immediately."

"You bastard!" Can Shuo almost jumped up, "I'll give you my experience, the contract of prostitution will be released, and I, the master, will pay it back for him!"

"make a deal!"


After the transaction was over, God Can Shuo suddenly felt extremely remorseful: "How can there be a master like me who pays off his debts before meeting his apprentice! Wrong, I should not accept him as an apprentice."

The fellow attacked unceremoniously: "He is indeed not your apprentice now."

"Aww!" God Can Shuo became even more sad.Well, he was throwing a lot of money into the water, and he didn't even hear a splash in the end.

"Okay, tidy up your things quickly, so I can hand them over to An'an." The fellow didn't care to sprinkle salt on the wound of a certain God.

Luo An'an put away the God's Domain card and went to find Mo Jiuxiao, hehehe, go early, maybe the shit-shoveling officer hasn't got his clothes on yet! (*/ω\*)
In fact, seducing Luo An'an today was not Mo Jiuxiao's whim, Uncle Mo has a dark belly in his heart!Knowing that I almost fell... Luo An'an couldn't hide the cesspit, so I had to do something to make my little things not despise me.

Obviously, he succeeded.

"Jiuqing!" Luo Anan rushed to the river excitedly, and saw that Mo Jiuxiao had already put on a moon-white robe, and he looked a little more refined.

A certain little perverted fox froze in an instant, but unexpectedly, it was one step too late!Ahhh, what kind of scenery did she miss!

Luo Anan stared straight at the handsome Mo Jiuxiao, wishing to use his eyes to take off the clothes he just put on.

Seeing this, Mo Jiuxiao curled his lips slightly, adhering to the principle of only wanting what he couldn't eat, and dressed tightly, only showing his face and neck.

An Baobao moved to the excrement shovel officer with a small step of resentment: "Jiuqing, you can wash for a while longer."

Uncle Mo smiled faintly, and said pointedly: "No, what if someone with a thick skin comes to peek. I'll protect Luo Luo like a jade!"

Luo Anan: Hehe.

"How about it, did Wu Ling catch it?"

"I caught it, but Wuling can't be tamed, it's too disobedient." Luo Anan frowned slightly, is it really going to be beaten to death?
Mo Jiuxiao put his arms around the slender waist of his little bastard, and the temperature in his eyes suddenly dropped: "This is easy to handle, you just tell it that if it doesn't obey, throw it into the cesspit, and see if it dares to be presumptuous!"

An Baobao's eyes lit up, it was a good idea.

But judging by the face of the excrement shovel officer, I am afraid that he is still very resentful about the cesspit before!
(End of this chapter)

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