Chapter 846 Sui Ying's Fate

"Okay, deduct [-] points, the deal is concluded."

What, three thousand points!Before Baby An had time to bargain, he was teleported out again in a daze.It's not fair, the baby clearly said to exchange for two thousand points!A profiteer, literally extorting a thousand points from the baby!

"Stinky rabbit, stinky rabbit!" Luo An, who had lost a thousand points in vain, hopped his feet angrily, and the lush grass under a certain one was pitifully trampled into grass cakes.

"Ding, the redemption system is activated, and all monks in Qingdao Secret Realm Center will participate in the cave breakthrough. Only monks who pass all the checkpoints can redeem the points in their hands. Before that, the points can be given to others."

"Ding, there are additional conditions. Any monk who hurts the disciples of the Tianmen Sect will deduct [-] points if his cultivation level is higher than that of the disciples of the Tianmen Sect. Remember."

"Fortunately, this stinky rabbit has integrity and does what he says." Hearing the news, Luo Anan breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

Mo Jiuxiao looked at his own fox who was about to explode just now, and patted the fox's head with a doting smile: "Luoluo is not angry anymore, and I will be at the cave in a while, and Jiuqing will help you earn back the points."

The appeasement from the excrement shovel officer was very useful, and Caimihu was pacified when he heard that the points would be earned, and flew towards the cave obediently.

"What kind of rule is this, but Jin Gui, a disciple of the Tianmen Sect, can't kill him!"

Many Zhengxiu and Moxiu of various forces have gathered outside the cave, and everyone is very angry at the rules just announced.You must know that there are nearly 1 disciples from Tianmen Sect this time. If everyone has a point, then they can get tens of thousands of points from these disciples!

The way to get points is nothing more than threats and murder.But now there is such a broken rule that they can't do it at all!

The disciples of the Tianmen Sect gradually rushed towards this place, and were closely guarded by the elders of the Tianmen Sect.People from other forces could only watch with greedy eyes, like a wolf seeing a piece of fat after starving for many days.

Luo An'an and Mo Jiuxiao were very fast, and they arrived here not long after.Their appearance caused quite a commotion.Jin Hao Xianzun always protects his apprentices like eyeballs. They thought that after the last time Luo An'an was kidnapped, Xianzun should not let his apprentice come out again.

"Elders." Luo Anan saw the place where his sect was with sharp eyes, and dragged the excrement shovel officer past.

Lin Lang suddenly said cheerfully: "Master, Lin Lang just heard something interesting, I think you will be interested."

"What's the matter?" Luo Anan asked secretly in his heart after standing still in front of the elders.

"It's that Sui Ying. I just heard two demon cultivators talking about her. Guess what's going on?" Lin Lang pulled her voice out, trying to keep her secret.

Luo An'an likes to listen to gossip the most, how could she stand such torture.Gossip Fox urged anxiously in his heart: "I can't guess, tell me quickly!"

"Let's talk about it," Lin Lang no longer pretended to be mysterious, but there was gloating in her tone.

"After the master left that day, Sui Ying ran into Moxiu. Master thought about her cultivation level, isn't it just an obvious gift of the head? And Moxiu's temper..."

Luo Anan couldn't bear to guess: "Is she defiled, or was she killed?"

"Not at all." Lin Lang couldn't do it happily: "She is so beautiful, she looks like that, even Moxiu can't do that! Master, please don't look down on Moxiu's aesthetics!"

(End of this chapter)

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