Chapter 855 The Second Strike
"Bao Zhun, you must be more civilized next time, and see if you scare the others." An Baobao scolded Bao Zhun on the surface, but in his heart he was telling Bao Zhun to go back and give him the elixir.

Leopard Zhun also felt that his master had cat cakes in his head, so he would kill them all, so what civilization is there!But for the sake of the elixir, Bao Zhun was very sensible and didn't say this.Why can't you make trouble with welfare? Why do you have to speak out?
Is it okay to know in my heart?

An Baobao looked at the pale faces of the crowd with satisfaction, and comforted him: "Fellow Taoists, don't worry, there is no danger now. But you should deal with the points as soon as possible, otherwise it will be bad if there is any danger in a while. "

Conscience of heaven and earth, An Baobao's meaning of saying this is just to remind them, lest another hidden magic cultivator will appear in a while and they will be in trouble again.But in the ears of those monks, it was a blatant threat.

Luo An'an in everyone's eyes: Luo An'an was smiling like a little devil and threatening them to hand over their points, or let monsters bite them.

The self in An Baobao's eyes: kind, cute, beautiful, with a sense of justice, fearless,...

Luo An'an in Mo Jiuxiao's eyes: very kind, very cute, very beautiful, very righteous, very fearless,..., very fond of himself.

"I'm waiting, willing to donate my points to Master Luo An'an." The monks said weakly.

Isn't it okay if they don't want this point? It's just a reminder!
"Ding,..., a total of 680 points."

After the countless ding ding sounds, a big bomb was finally thrown out, blowing An Baobao dizzy.At this moment, there were only a few words left in her mind: Everyone gathers firewood, the fire is high, one hero has three gangs, one cabbage has eight bangs...

The collective is power, and socialism is not to be deceived!

"Jiuqing, let's go, let's go to the Dongfu, and tell the baby everything we like, I have plenty of points!" An Baobao is a rare rich man, and his small appearance looks very rich.

Mo Jiuxiao rubbed a certain hairstyle until he messed up Luo Anan's hair, and then stopped contentedly.Why are little things so cute in every way? How can they be so cute!

An Baobao helplessly let down his messy hair, taking advantage of that delicate and lovely face, his whole person instantly felt a little more beautiful and elegant.She removed the excrement shovel officer's claws in disgust: "Hairstyles, hairstyles should not be messed up, do you know that! If Jiuqing does this again, the baby will..."

"But what?" Mo Jiuxiao rubbed An Baobao's head desperately.

" messed up your hair too!" Luo Anan took advantage of Mo Jiuxiao's relaxation of vigilance and immediately climbed onto the shit shovel officer, and at the same time stretched out her sinful little fat claws to mess up Mo Jiuxiao's hairstyle.Mo Jiuxiao smiled lightly, and took off the jade crown tied on his head.

The handsome Bingshan immediately turned into a monstrous handsome Bingshan, who was almost gnawed on by a fox with no self-control.

Everyone: ...I'm so tired, is this another round of dog food crit after the security crackdown?Tell you, showing affection in public is an immoral behavior!Do you pay for the mental damage of single dogs?
"I want to jump into the river. This contrast is too harmful! Luo An'an has money, a master, a monster, and a Taoist companion! But I don't have anything!" A monk of Wan Guizong said with a heartbroken heart.

"Hey, bring me one, I don't expect anything else, I just hope that God can let me find a Taoist partner! This is not a high request!" The disciple of Xun Gu beside him also said faintly.

"Tao companion!" The two sighed at the same time, and then they looked at each other coincidentally.

Adultery, oh no, love at first sight is so unbelievable, God heard their plea and created a clever ape dung.

From then on, Xiao Ming from Wanguizong and Xiaogangfu from Xungu lived happily together forever...

(End of this chapter)

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