Chapter 859 Waste, Treasure ([-])
Lan Tingyi covered up for Jing Chen with a haha: "Haha, that's amazing! Uncle Luo's arrows are flawless, it really gave us a lot of insight."

Damn, is this still a woman? Why is she so powerful!Aiming at five prey at once, men can't do it, right?
In fact, this is not a very difficult task, as long as you make good use of your divine sense when archery and guide the arrow to aim.Of course, Luo An'an did more than that, her arrows only aimed at the most vulnerable place of each flame-winged bird, so she was able to hit it with one blow.

This requires An Baobao's special eyes, and the requirements for mastering spiritual consciousness are extremely strict.Rookies like Lan Tingyi and the others can't do it without practicing for more than ten years.

But in an instant, five arrows shot out again, still killing five flame-winged birds.

Feng Xue looked at the green killing bow in Luo An'an's hand with some envious eyes: "Master An'an, is this a wind attribute weapon?"

"That's right." There are still three flame-winged birds left, so this time Luo An'an only needs to draw three arrows. "You don't need to think about this. The Green Killing Bow is only suitable for girls. I will give it to you when I find a good wind attribute magic weapon in the future."

"Hehe, how dare I snatch Master An An's spiritual weapon. Master will naturally worry about the spiritual weapon for me, so don't bother Master An An." Seeing Mo Jiuxiao's eyes approaching, Feng Xue immediately declined the offer to Luo An'an. Kindness.

Mo Jiuxiao looked at Feng Xue coldly, and sent a voice transmission to him: Don't forget who your master is, next time you dare to covet your mistress's things, I'll take your skin off!
A drop of cold sweat quietly flowed from Feng Xue's head, he was really just thinking about it.A spineless servant in debt immediately expressed his heartfelt heart to Mo Jiuxiao: Yes, yes, I will never dare again!

Every time a flamewing bird died, Luo An'an and the others felt the surrounding temperature rise by one point.If it weren't for the protection of the fierce spiritual energy shield, I'm afraid they would have become roasted people long ago.

It wasn't until the last flame-winged bird exploded that Luo An'an put away the green killing bow.While breathing a sigh of relief, I also felt a little drained.After all, the Green Murder Bow is still a spiritual weapon. My current cultivation level is not enough, so I can't use it as I like!
Mo Jiuxiao fed a elixir into Luo An'an's mouth: "Luo Luo first exercise his energy and adjust his breath, let's rest here for a while."

Although the flame-winged bird exploded in the end, the inner alchemy still remained.With a wave of his small palm, Luo Anan put away the thirteen inner pills that had fallen.Feeling the pure fire element spiritual power on it, An Baobao was happy. This inner alchemy is very good for refining elixir!

Mo Jiuxiao helplessly helped himself to the fox and sat down, "Practice first, and Jiuqing will cook you something to eat."

When Ren Xingzhu heard Mo Jiuxiao's words, he suddenly couldn't help shouting: "Don't be a lobster!"

It wasn't until everyone looked at him with doubts that Ren Xingzhu realized what he had just done.She blushed at a loss and explained: "I hate lobsters recently. I can't smell that smell, or I will feel sick and want to vomit."

"In this case, Jiuqing, the baby wants to eat grilled wings. It must be grilled!" A certain fat fox said expectantly, licking its lips.After the flame-winged bird exploded, there was actually a scent of barbecue left in the secret room, which immediately attracted the greedy worms in An Baobao's stomach.

Seeing this, Ren Xingzhu breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. Liang Jinxiu has always been thoughtful, and it is very likely that Liang Jinxiu can guess what she can guess.So it is better to fundamentally prevent this from happening.

Although the others didn't trust Xing Zhu's words, they didn't think much about it after all, and didn't care about this little episode.

In the ninth stone room, a Yumiaozong monk suddenly fell to the ground and vomited a mouthful of blood.

"Lan Yu, what's wrong with you?" Elder Yu Miaozong asked worriedly.

Lan Yu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, forced a smile and said, "I'm fine, the elder doesn't need to worry about me."

(End of this chapter)

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