Chapter 879
There is no time to cultivate immortality, Luo Anan and the others have passed through six stone chambers, it seems not long, but in fact four days have passed outside.

Of course, those Yuanying powers were also trapped in the ninth stone chamber for four days.Still haven't been able to find a way to deal with Shimen's attack.They also thought about forcibly destroying this formation, but Elder Mingyu reminded them coldly: "Don't blame me for not saying anything, although I can't see how to break this formation, but I can see that if it is forcibly destroyed Formation, all of us will be buried here. If you don’t believe me, you can try it, anyway, the old man is not alone in his death.”

The others looked at each other in blank dismay, they had no choice but to put down their faces and beg with a low attitude: "Elder Mingyu, everyone is a grasshopper on the same rope, you should think of a way. Otherwise, how long will we stay here?" head!"

Elder Mingyu's temper was hardened at that time, he said quietly: "Don't worry, we are in the secret realm. Even if you want to stay in the secret realm when the time comes, you will not be allowed to stay!"

"The elder was joking, so wouldn't those points be wasted?" Hehuan Zongfang greeted the elder, a delicate woman, with a good-tempered smile, and said, "Elder Mingyu, it would be a pity if your hard work was in vain. .”

"It's a pity for the old man, but I really can't think of a way, what can the old man do?"

Elder Fangying grinned, mmp in his heart.She has to endure the old man Mingyu's arrogance, whoever let them get into trouble first!Damn Fangli, she knows how to offend people when she has nothing to do.And let her clean up the mess!When I go back, I see that she is not talking in front of the head of the sect!
Yan Zhaowei tugged on the sleeve of his elder, and said through a secret method: "Elder, it's almost over. If those guys' patience is worn out, we will end up with no good fruit for Xungu."

Elder Mingyu smiled wryly and sent a voice transmission: "Why, you also think I'm putting on airs? Silly boy, I really can't break through that formation!"

Yan Zhaowei looked at Elder Mingyu in disbelief: Really?

Elder Mingyu nodded, then closed his eyes and began to rest his mind.

Yan Zhaowei was really stunned now, which was very bad for them, Xun Gu!Those jackals are still treating Xun Gu with respect, just because the elders took action to untie the formation, and they all believe that the elders were just acting in a fit of anger.

But if they are really aware of this, then...

Yan Zhaowei's nerves tensed up, and he didn't dare to think about it.

On the other side, Lan Tingyi sat on the ground lazily looking at these impatient Nascent Souls, and then poked Jing Chen: "It seems that we are trapped here and cannot get out?"

"Probably, unless Master Luo can come to save us." Jing Chen looked at the scene in front of him and said in a deep voice.

"Impossible!" Lan Tingyi said with certainty: "Uncle Luo and we are not on the same road, how could we come here."

At the end, he paused again: "Fortunately, our points have been exchanged for pills, so it's not a waste."

The two were silent for a while at the same time, and finally sat down and practiced.

Apart from cultivation, they can't think of anything else that doesn't waste time.It just so happens that the aura in the secret territory is quite strong, which is just right for cultivation.

At this time, An Baobao broke through the formation of the seventh stone room with a wave of his hand, and walked in leisurely while holding Mo Jiuxiao's hand.The goal this time is very obvious, and it can be seen at a glance.

It was a super-sized hamster with three coat colors at the same time, and it didn't look cute at all.

(End of this chapter)

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