Chapter 881 Coincidence
An Baobao was speechless after hearing this, such an ugly mouse would never be her recipe!No matter how good the meat is, she won't eat it!

Unexpectedly, it was Mo Jiuxiao who spoke out first.

An Baobao looked up at the excrement shovel officer, and asked silently: What's wrong?
Mo Jiuxiao flew to Luo Anan's side, and then whispered: This hamster's spiritual root is exactly the same as Ren Xingzhu's spiritual root, what is Luo Luo's plan?
It was only then that Luo Anan realized that this monster seemed to be destined for Ren Xingzhu, so it was a pity to kill it just like that.

"Jiuqing. It's better to contract this monster with Ren Xingzhu."

After Luo An'an finished speaking, she couldn't help sighing that the world is impermanent.When she and Ren Xingzhu first met, they wanted to slap each other in the face and kill each other.But now she even took the initiative to offer Ren Xingzhu a high-level Nascent Soul monster.

In the past, she would definitely think she was crazy.But now, both of them will change, and she doesn't need to fight with him for the rest of her life just because of a little thing back then.After all, Ren Xingzhu was just a child back then, it's normal to be ignorant.

Well, the baby is not those Marysu heroines who destroy the whole family because of a little thing, the baby is a good person. (* ̄︶ ̄)
As a human being, it is really better not to have too much hostility in your heart.

"Ren Xingzhu, come here." Luo Anan beckoned Ren Xingzhu to come over. "Do you like this monster?"

Ren Xingzhu said that she likes you but won't give it to me, she shook her head: "Uncle Luo, I don't eat mice."

An Baobao was very speechless: "I didn't let you eat it, I mean, would you like to make it your contract animal?"

"Really, really?" Ren Xingzhu couldn't believe it: "But, it, it is a high-level monster of the Nascent Soul! Uncle Luo, don't you keep it for yourself?"

An Baobao shook his head and asked again: "Do you want it? If you don't want it, I will let my contracted beast eat it."

Hamster Xunshu woke up leisurely at this time, just in time to hear Luo An'an's words, and saw the big leopard drooling on him, and almost fainted from fright again.But it shivered and shrank slowly, turned into the size of a pet mouse and ran to Ren Xingzhu's feet, "squeaking" and showing off its cuteness.

Now the hamster has become a slightly fat hamster among ordinary hamsters.Its body is small and chubby, with red ears, brown body, and golden tail.This appearance has been improved by no less than a hundred levels, it looks very cute!
Baby An put the little hamster in his palm, blinking his starry eyes, and said excitedly, "It's so cute!"

Before the hamster breathed a sigh of relief, a certain fox licked its lips: "Now the baby has the appetite to eat it."

"Squeak!!!" Hamster Xunshu was so frightened that it exploded, and then quickly jumped into Ren Xingzhu's arms, trying to hide it in Ren Xingzhu's sleeve.

Ren Xingzhu looked at the poor and cute little guy, and hurriedly blocked Luo Anan's sight: "I want it, Master Luo, I will contract it."

An Baobao licked his mouth regretfully: "That's fine, you can make a contract. Little mouse, if you dare to play tricks, I will peel and roast you!"

Seeing this, the hamster ran out and bit Ren Xingzhu's fingertips. At the same time, a drop of blood essence flew out of its body and entered Ren Xingzhu's sea of ​​consciousness.

"Using my blood to form a bond with you, is it possible to reach an equal contract?" Ren Xingzhu's eyes were a little dull, but he couldn't help but murmured this sentence.


A formation instantly appeared between the man and the beast, emitting a light blue light.The newly injured body of the hamster also quickly repaired in this burst of gentle light.Wait until the light completely disappears, and the contract is reached!

 Well, the author chops up his hands, and eats the dirt after chopping.woo woo woo~
(End of this chapter)

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