Chapter 883 Have you got Luobei in your head?
Although there is no progress, it is better than sitting until being ejected from the secret realm.

Feng Xue and the others didn't do anything to help, so they were naturally embarrassed to wait for Luo Anan to produce results.So they also helped to guard every corner of the five-element formation, replenishing spirit stones at the right time.

It wasn't until a day and a half later that everyone suddenly noticed ten small, uneven seedlings popping up in the center of the formation.This cheered them up, and it seemed that it was very possible to grow carrots!Just a little longer.

Without everyone's knowledge, Luo An'an was also communicating with Lin Lang.

"Linlang, quietly transfer the spiritual energy in the space to my surroundings, so that the baby will absorb the spiritual energy faster." An Baobao said silently in his heart.Is this considered cheating secretly?
"Master, wait a minute, Lin Lang just thought of a good idea to grow five-flavored carrots." Lin Lang's little loli broke her fingers anxiously and said, "Well, Lin Lang just forgot, Ling Yue is a full-line weapon spirit, so he should be able to help Master's."

An Baobao said frantically: "But the baby can't stop now. I didn't say it earlier, do I want to conjure ten carrots out of thin air?"

"It's not impossible, is it?" Lin Lang said cautiously.

"Linlang, are you in Luobei's head? Are you afraid that others won't see anything?" An Baobao raised a cold face in his heart.


In the silence, Lingyue still spoke: "How about this, I will help the master speed up the growth of five-flavored carrots. But it will not be too fast, because I have to control my strength, otherwise the seeds will burst on the spot."

An Baobao gritted his teeth and said, "Stop talking nonsense, help me quickly."

I can't blame Luo An'an for being too eager, because she found that it really takes a lot of spiritual power to plant a seventh-level spiritual plant.Every time I send spiritual power, I feel that those seeds are like a bottomless pit, no matter how much spiritual power I send, there is no movement at all.

An Baobao thought secretly, did the rabbit paper do it on purpose?If things go on like this, if this baby really doesn't have any cheats, it's estimated that the baby won't be able to grow such a damn carrot after the secret realm is closed!

Before An Baobao could finish cursing in his heart, Lingyue's spiritual power was released.Luo An'an instantly felt that the aura of the Five Elements around her was much stronger, and after a while, the carrots began to sprout.Ling Yue was really powerful.

Feng Xue and the others were a little puzzled. It took a day and a half to germinate, so why did Luobei grow so fast in the back?But in five days, the carrots turned out to be half-ripe.

At the same time, Luo An'an also felt something was wrong.It seems that my cultivation base is about to break through!

A breakthrough is a good thing, but if it is in this place... and at this time, it will be very unpleasant.So An Baobao concentrated on suppressing it, trying not to let himself break through.

Accompanied by a soft sound, as if something exploded.The five-flavored carrot was completely ripe, and the whole stone room was filled with a kind of carrot fragrance, which was inexplicably pleasant.

"It's done, it's done, it's grown!" Ren Xingzhu excitedly looked at the ten carrots buried in the ground, and couldn't help shouting excitedly.

Baby An was startled at first, then heaved a sigh of relief.Did she think she couldn't hold back the breakthrough just now?It turned out that the radish was ripe.

A certain one immediately withdrew its spiritual power, quickly dug out ten carrots and put them in the jade box it had prepared.After that, he quickly cast a barrier, and before he could say hello to the shit shovel officer, he dodged into the space.

(End of this chapter)

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