Chapter 885
After finishing speaking, Fox Tuanzi got up and turned into a human again: "I'm going out first."

Lin Lang was puzzled and said, "Master, don't you want to rest for a while? Why don't you let Wu Xuan cook a table of dishes first, and then leave after eating."

"No need," An Baobao stretched, "There are still a lot of things going on outside. Besides, I feel that I am in a very good spirit now."

As soon as the words fell, An Baobao stepped out of the space.

Lin Lang turned to everyone and said, "Come here, I have something to say."

"Old Hei, come here."

Next, Lin Lang grandly introduced Wu Xuan to the monsters: "Ahem, be quiet. This is our best cook before -- Wu Xuan. It is a flood dragon, and its current cultivation level is also at the stage of distraction. I hope you can get along well in the future."

"Wu Xuan, this is Hu Yu, and his cooking skills are also very good. I hope you two can communicate more in the future and cook more delicious meals!"

Wu Xuan was led by Lin Lang with a confused face, and shook hands with Hu Yu who was also confused.After that, everyone started to cheer and applaud, like a warm welcome to the future food life.

Leaving aside what happened in the space, Luo Anan stepped out of the space and immediately withdrew the barrier.Mo Jiuxiao's figure suddenly broke into sight.

"What happened just now?" Mo Jiuxiao's voice was a bit worried, but his face was still expressionless.

An Baobao smiled and held the shit shovel officer's hand, it was really cold.Is this worrying about yourself?

"I'm fine, Jiuqing." An Baobao snuggled into Mo Jiuxiao's arms and said coquettishly, "I just broke through."


Hearing this, Mo Jiuxiao felt relieved.It's fine if nothing happens.

Thinking of this, Mo Jiuxiao couldn't help hugging the dumpling in his arms a little tighter.

It's not good for other people to watch, it will disturb their love.Although Ren Ya looked dissatisfied, he was dragged by Ren Xingzhu and managed not to rush out to separate the two.


"Elder Mingyu, it's been ten days, no matter how angry you are, you should let it go? We beg you, just look at that formation and think of a way?"

After such a long time, those Nascent Soul powers finally lost their patience and put pressure on Elder Mingyu one after another.

Yan Zhaowei couldn't help but back away from the stares cast by these people, what should be done about this.

Elder Mingyu was probably a dead pig not afraid of being scalded by boiling water, so he said carelessly: "This elder said, I can't break through this formation. Could it be that you think I'm just kidding you?"

The rest of the people are going crazy, they still don't believe Elder Mingyu's words.Rather than not believing it, it would be better to say that I don't want to believe it.They knew very well that if even Elder Mingyu had no choice, they would really have to stay here.

"Elder Mingyu, we are not in the mood to joke with you. Ask again, can you break this formation!"

Elder Mingyu sighed, and said lightly: "You all know that I can't do anything, so why bother to lie to yourself. It's not like we've been stuck here all our lives, why bother?"

Fangli finally couldn't bear it anymore, she felt that she had been wronged these days, and everyone thought it was her fault!These truths are revealed!
"What did the elder say, he can't break through this formation at all! You idiots still refuse to believe it!" Fang said bluntly.

"Shut up!" Elder Fang Ying said angrily to Fang Li.

An elder of the Yumiao Sect said with a sneer: "It seems that Elder Mingyu has been playing tricks on us these days, is it fun?"

Other anger instantly found an outlet: "Elder Mingyu, you are going too far!"

Elder Mingyu looked at these duplicitous people, knowing that it was useless to say anything, so he fell silent.This kind of behavior made other people even more angry, and faintly began to plan to attack Xun Gu's people.For a time, Xun Gu was in danger, and it seemed that there would be casualties...

"Boom!" A beating sound instantly attracted their attention.A corner of the secret room broke open suddenly, and a door appeared out of thin air.An Baobao fell to the ground and looked at the crowd in front of him in a daze.


A certain generous smile lay on the ground and waved its paws: "Hi, how are you!"

(End of this chapter)

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