Chapter 887 Flattery
Suddenly, Luo An'an felt a malicious gaze projected behind him.She suddenly looked back coldly, but found nothing.Presumably that person just hid.

But isn't that where the disciples of Yu Miaozong gather?Thinking of the discomfort brought to him by that gaze just now, An Baobao frowned. Who would hate himself so much?There was a monstrous hatred in that gaze, almost to the point of killing himself with his sight.

Luo Anan pulled out a chair from the space and sat down facing Yu Miaozong.Her eyes were like knives scraping over those Yu Miaozong disciples over and over again, which made people feel shuddering.An Baobao squinted her eyes and stared at the other side, vowing to find out the person who was full of malice towards her just now.

At this time, Mo Jiuxiao had started cooking boiled fish again, and the whole stone room was filled with spicy and delicious smell, which caused many gluttons to make their stomachs growl.Even those nascent infants who have not eaten for nearly a thousand years are not immune.

Everyone secretly sniffed the scent in the air, oh, Mo Jiuxiao's cooking skills are really good!It is estimated that some spirit chefs can't do this.It's really rare, Mo Jiuxiao, as the first genius, has always been cold and unreasonable.But now he is willing to make soup for a woman's hands.

Sure enough, only Luo An'an has such good fortune.

"Gu——" The stomach growling in the stone room became louder and louder as it went further.Some monks have already begun to quietly pick and pull their storage rings, hoping to find a little bit of food, even if it is not delicious!Even those Nascent Soul powers had the desire to eat for the first time.

A certain fox is proud of himself, this baby's shit shoveler is so good!More importantly, the shit shovel officer only listens to babies~(* ̄︶ ̄)
You wait for mortals to be envious and jealous!

A black-robed demon was the first to speak, but he wisely chose to ask Luo An'an: "I'd like to exchange points with you for some food, is it okay?"

If the orthodox monks are all those little goblins who "say no with their mouths but are honest in their bodies", then the demon cultivators are big goblins who "talk with one heart and move at will".They have desires but they don't hide it, and they will try their best to satisfy their desires.

So the first ones to speak were the Demon Cultivators, who believed frankly that they had appetites, unlike those monks of the Righteous Way who would not admit it even if they were beaten to death.

For the sake of points, An Baobao admired these vicious demon cultivators for the first time.

"Of course you can." Luo An'an replied lazily, "However, I will only give you the ingredients and seasonings, and you have to make them yourself."

While speaking, Luo An'an was also looking at the group of demon cultivators in front of him.Only now did she discover that the number of these devil cultivators was only one-tenth of that of the righteous forces, and the disparity in the number of people was so huge.However, these demon cultivators stayed safe and sound among the many monks who hated them to death...

It seems that what people often say "the power of magic cultivators is terrifying" is absolutely true!
The magician hesitated after hearing what Luo Anan said, after all, he was not good at cooking.But at this time Luo Anan said again: "You don't have to worry about anything else, with our seasoning, you can just put the meat in the pot and cook it, the taste will never be bad."

In the end, Moxiu was defeated by Mo Jiuxiao's cooking skills. It was so delicious, and it became more and more delicious!He felt that he could eat even raw meat with this scent.

"make a deal."

"Very good. Three points counts as one catty of meat. How much do you want?" An Baobao asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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