Chapter 889 Flattery ([-])

These people are also really, isn't it just that the sound made by the hungry is a bit louder, what are you looking at him for!What's so strange.

At this time, Luo An'an was talking happily with Lin Shiyuan, but was suddenly interrupted.Impatiently, she pushed Feng Xue out, and threw her a few slaughtered pigs. "Go, you help me with this."

Fengxue reluctantly accepted this "heavy task" and experienced the psychological process of a butcher who sells meat.Cabbage is bitter, why is cabbage so bad that you have to be in debt!What I owe is Luo Papi's debt!
Hey, his life is so miserable!

"That's great, Ayuan, you and Senior Brother Wang are safe and sound this time, and nothing happened to anyone." An Baobao said sincerely.These two were almost her first friends in another world, if something happened to her, she would be very sad.

Lin Shiyuan smiled lightly, looking very cute: "It's not as lucky as you said. Before, my brother and I were chased by a monster with a high cultivation level, and we almost died."

"Which monster?!" An Baobao was angry: "Baby will avenge you, eat it!"

Lin Shiyuan looked at the angry An Baobao with some emotion. She is a real friend and a really nice person.

"It seems to be a leopard-shaped monster. It seems that the cultivation base has already been distracted!" Lin Shiyuan recalled: "At that time, my senior brother and I were walking well there, and suddenly a leopard jumped out and wanted to take me away. Senior brother Hurt it in a fit of rage and piss it off. We almost died."

At this time, a certain leopard in Linlang's space shrank back, wishing to dig a hole to bury itself.

At this time, An Baobao also thought of a certain dead leopard who proudly boasted that it was the only leopard that was distracted in the secret realm...

"Bao Zhun——" An Baobao's gnashing of teeth voice was heard clearly in the space, everyone mourned for Bao Zhun for two seconds, and then continued to do their own things.

"Master is not like this, you listen to my explanation..." Leopard said with a howl.He also didn't expect that the little beauty he fell in love with at random turned out to be the master's friend!And in the end he didn't do well either!
Luo Anan even had the heart of a red-boiled leopard, she asked gloomily: "Don't you like women, huh?"

Bao Zhun said with a mournful face, "That's right, but, but when your friend wore a veiled hat, I thought he was a woman. Aww, master, I really didn't mean it!"

Baby An took a deep breath and said viciously, "I'll settle the score with you later!"

"Senior Brother Lin, how did you escape from that monster's clutches in the end? Did he hurt you?" The guilty Baobao changed his name to Senior Brother Lin, but Lin Xiaoshou didn't notice this.He smiled and shook his head.

"We were not injured, thanks to this thing." Lin Shiyuan smiled and took out a red jade mandarin duck pendant. "Thanks to its timely defense, my brother and I were fine. Not only that, but my brother also beat that stinky leopard hard!"

Bai Yulin stood in front of Leopard Zhun gloatingly, and laughed unceremoniously: "Hahaha, I didn't expect you to have such a colorful life, dead Leopard! Is this what monks often say in the end? Damn!!! You were actually beaten up by a Golden Core stage monk hahaha!"

"Go away!" Leopard Zhun turned into a prototype and wailed, running around in the vast space, as if trying to escape Qingluan's demonic laughter.

Jade pendant?Luo Anan felt that the piece of ruby ​​seemed familiar, and at the same time a name came to mind unexpectedly.

Shi Chence!
 Thank you for the 100 book coins rewarded by "A Yu Xiaoruo" baby, okay!

  Well, I just glanced at it, and the book already has 100 million words, Sahua~ Well, time flies so fast!Thanks to the babies who have been supporting, thank you for liking this book, I love you!
(End of this chapter)

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